Player Stats Wont Update

  1. 8 years ago

    I played with the 17BCT and one of our mission makers showed us into the world of ALiVE. We broke apart and I started my own community. ,I started using ALiVE with my group and now the battlefeed works but my personnel stats wont update says its been 3 months since I've been active. I used my Arma 3 player id and still nothing.

  2. Friznit

    9 Jan 2017 Administrator

    There's a known... "feature" with changing groups. It'll need a poke.


  3. Tupolov

    9 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Looks like he switched groups ok. Seems like the DB query is not picking anything since October. Will look into it.

  4. Thanks if its something im doing wrong on my end please let me know.

  5. Tupolov

    10 Jan 2017 Administrator

    It appears we are not getting any PlayerStart events for your group. Can you upload your RPT and plugin log somewhere for us to look at. Thanks

  6. Wheres the best place to place it?

  7. Put them on a file sharing site (such as Dropbox) and post the links here.


  9. I think it was on my end I have to use Player options on my modules for this to work correct? If so I am truly sorry for wasting your time. Im new to alive and running a server at the same time. Thanks for your hard work and amazing mod!!

  10. Still not working Im not sure whats wrong

  11. Tupolov

    16 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Stats are being picked up as I can see the events in your battle feed and the groups battlefield.

    Certain stats (like your Latest and Group shots fired) are not updated because we are not getting certain data from you. This usually happens because you are not exiting the server correctly.

    How are you ending your missions? You need to hit Server Save and Exit or Server Exit from the ALiVE menu. Do not use #missions.

  12. Its the # missions thats how start the mission thanks ill change that

  13. We use the save and exit feature

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I don't think he's telling you not to start with #missions. He's just talking about how you exit. Right? Are we not supposed to do that? I don't know of any other way to set custom difficulty.

  15. Tupolov

    17 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Only use Server Save and Exit and wait for the process to complete, that should return you to the lobby where you can use #missions.

  16. 7 years ago

    I use custom difficulty through server config


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