RHS 0.4.2 Discussion thread

  1. 8 years ago

    Here's hoping it all plays nicely with ALiVE. Or at least as well as it did and also without breaking current missions!

    Here's the new video for the update:

    Simply stunning.

  2. Friznit

    16 Jan 2017 Administrator

    Well the first issue is of course it's Steam Workshop only, which I understand may be problematic if you run a Linux server.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    It'll be on Armaholic (the RHS devs just said so. Same with PWS). That should work with Linux, right?

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Well there's definitely some backwards compatibility issues with missions made with older versions of RHS. Especially with AFRF. USAF doesn't shoot script errors like AFRF does from what I can tell, but all US M2 Snorkels disappeared from my missions on me so those needed to be replaced.

    I'd highly advise people with released missions or missions they wish to continue to open them up and see what happens. If you use Russian assets especially, you'll likely have a ton of work to do to get everything error free again.

  5. @Friznit Well the first issue is of course it's Steam Workshop only, which I understand may be problematic if you run a Linux server.

    Don't know how much of a common knowledge it is but use programs such as psftp to transfer files between the server and any other computer. One can find psftp along with a program called "Putty" here: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

    I personally use psftp to transfer Arma 3 modifications (such as Iron Front lite) that are only to be found from Steam Workshop. One just needs to find the hidden !Workshop-folder where all the Workshop files go. Somewhere around here --> L:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop

  6. Or just use WINSCP, much less hassle ;)

    Something i noticed, the wiki http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_Factions is not updated yet, my quick look @cfggroups showed me that rhs added a lot of new stuff there.

  7. If you can verify other factions are now configured to work with ALiVE by default, please list them here.

  8. my bad, the quick look was false.

    the only stuff, spawning something (but not usable):

    21:42:05 ALIVE MP - Warning no usable groups found to use, the faction (rhsgref_faction_chdkz_g) may be faulty.
    21:46:12 ALIVE MP - Warning no usable groups found to use, the faction (rhsgref_faction_chdkz) may be faulty.

    never mind, hopefully rhs will fix this :(


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