Single Player Concept

  1. 8 years ago


    I have a little idea that i can't get out of my head, and that is to create a hybrid between a linear SP mission and mix it with ALiVE. The cons is that you cannot save normally and this has to sorted one way or another.

    So i have spent a few hours in the editor tonight to figure out an alternative way of creating missions that the player can complete, without the abillity to save.

    The result can be downloaded from here:

    Its not 100% complete, more like 70% but playable.


    Note that VCOM AI from Genesis92 is included in the mission, so don't use any AI mods:-)

    I would be very grateful if someone will test this and give me feedback. And if this is something you want to see more of please let me know.

  2. What's up buddy? Brawler's back!

    I may have time to give this a go, seeing as how my persistence is still mucked up. If not today than soon.

    What's the mission/objective?

  3. Thanks, you are a Machine Gunner and you task is mainly to support the platoon as they advance and secure the objective.

  4. Nice. Yeah I'll play it at some point over the weekend and let you know what I think. Thanks dude.

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hey Brawler! That's a lot of fun! Of course, I totally suck at this game and died trying to make my way past the castle in both attempts, but I had a really good time. In the second attempt, I landed several 600+ meter kills and that always feels good. :)

    The insertion is cool. I also like how for this kind of mission, the player isn't the team leader, which is cool because you feel like a regular soldier. The dialogue script is a nice touch as well.

    There's good placement of enemies in the nearer buildings too and the sniper fire is intense. Hopefully I can get past it and beat this thing. :)

    Have you tried to load a save with this? I know you've disabled it, but this is exactly the kind of mission that *shouldn't* have an issue. I think it may be worth trying it and seeing what happens.

    Also, I assumed you would be ok with this since we've "worked" together in the past, but I went in and made some spelling and grammar edits for the intro and conversation script (I know English isn't your first language). I also increased the sleep timer on the black screen intro from 10 sec to 13 in an effort to leave the mission obj on the screen long enough to read it (untested! Hopefully I edited the correct sleep!). Hopefully me doing this doesn't offend you, I like the mission and think it makes for a good ALiVE showcase. Maybe even an official one if you removed the additional mod requirements.

  6. @Brawler whether or not you choose to use it, can you do me a favor and try to load the PBO I just sent you in-game?

    I have a separate concern unrelated to the mission.

    I packed it like I always do with PBO Manager. That tool is still supported, right?

    Can you see if that loads for you? In one of my release threads someone said all my missions don't work and the error they sent me I'm fairly certain is related to binarization.

  7. @HeroesandvillainsOS Thank you for playing, im glad you like it! Im fine that you are editing my English, for me it is a giant pain to get this right! haha

    My advice regarding playing in this types of missons, is to be very vigilant and think trough every step before you do them, patience is the key:-) And its kinda the only playstyle that you will be succsessfull with otherwise you ending up dead and need to restart.

    I don't use PBO manager so i don't know, i use ArmaTools. But i will test it later...

  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Thanks buddy. :) After a couple tries I feel pretty good with the approach of the castle. I've been going boulder to boulder and clearing the enemies perched on the castle and the ones approaching our position in the front. Both times I did pretty good at this.

    It's the dudes inside the castle that can't be shot from a distance and the ones in the building behind the castle that are kicking my ass! Lol. I think in my next attempt if I sense danger is still in the castle itself, I'll throw some smoke (if you gave us smoke, I didn't check) or a frag and try to enter and clear the castle from the opposite side.

    The "door" (or maybe a better word is entrance) on the right side of the castle still gives the enemies inside an advantage. They have high ground and a shed inside to take cover in. VCOM AI is no joke! I think once the castle is clear I'll have a tactical advantage and can beat this thing. I just need to push a little further and I think the tide will turn and we'll get a mission complete.

    Anyway, it's good fun and an excellent demonstration of what ALiVE can do with some creativity in a smaller format. Good work man. I look forward to my next run!


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