Making persistent Clafghan Insurgency. Need Tips / Ideas.

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by Mannulus

    We're using CLA Clafghan and it seems to be working great. I currently have the camps at low but I might change it to medium.

  3. @Mannulus We're using CLA Clafghan and it seems to be working great. I currently have the camps at low but I might change it to medium.

    Just be advised, putting camps above low will immediately bring you over the warning number for objectives. Offhand, I think going from low to medium will net about 30-40 new objs which you may want to avoid since you specifically asked about performance.

    Since you plan on playing with a lot of people, and a lot of people in different areas of the map, balancing population versus performance will be tricky. But stick with it and you'll find a good balance.

  4. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Just be advised, putting camps above low will immediately bring you over the warning number for objectives. Offhand, I think going from low to medium will net about 30-40 new objs which you may want to avoid since you specifically asked about performance.

    Since you plan on playing with a lot of people, and a lot of people in different areas of the map, balancing population versus performance will be tricky. But stick with it and you'll find a good balance.

    Thanks a lot! I currently have the civ placement on Objectives only (I got a few prespawned Installations to start creating insurgents). Regarding the military objective, can I set this to just spawn units so that camps are autocreated with troops or should I keep that Objectives only as well?

  5. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    For military objective placement, the camps might be populated regardless of the module settings. If not, just limit the module to huge objectives only, and then blacklist any of the objectives it might catch.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Mannulus Thanks a lot! I currently have the civ placement on Objectives only (I got a few prespawned Installations to start creating insurgents). Regarding the military objective, can I set this to just spawn units so that camps are autocreated with troops or should I keep that Objectives only as well?

    Yep you sure can. Either way will work, really. I use both options off and on depending on what I'm after. Putting the obj modules to "place units" will place all the units around the objectives for you. I *usually* prefer this when possible to keep things simple, but sometimes I definitely do make it "objectives only" and let the commander decide which units to send to where. I guess it depends on how quickly I want to get into the action.

    In the mission I'm working on on Clafghan, for the civ obj module, I originally started with using "objectives only," and then manually placing and virtualizing some enemies in the towns, but some of the cities are really big and to populate them, I was basically placing as many as the module would spawn by itself. So to avoid some of these big cities being empty on mission start, I went back to using the "place units" option and it looks pretty good.

    But that said, in missions where I place a big emphasis on a slow pace, interrogating civs and not having constant contact, I definitely tend to just place "objectives only." Either way is a good way it just comes down to what you're after and how quickly you're after it, if that makes sense.

  7. Edited 8 years ago by incontinenetia

    Paging @AUTigerGrad (one of the best ALiVE mission makers out there - along with Heroes of course - and did one on Clafghan recently too).

  8. We're playing my mission RESTREPO on our server as we speak.

    Some tips I would give for Clafghan....

    1. Go with High or extreme Civ population as the settlements are sparse so when you DO get to one, you will have plenty of civs to speak to and plenty of civs for insurgents to recruit.

    2. Because about 80% of the map is unpopulated mountain terrain....I spent a great deal of time setting up custom mountain camps for the taliban (insurgents). Then I placed custom objective modules at those locations so the OPFOR Commander would know to protect and secure those camps. Also...if you add sheds or other buildings at these locations..the OPFOR commander WILL create IED factories, HQs, etc at those locations. So you can add many more Assymetric objectives than just in the towns. can get some epic firefights in these mountain ranges. So there's a bonus.

    3. My philosophy on just about every Insurgency I make is that I make the BLUFOR Commander synced to a Military obj module and a Civ Obj Module but only for larger objectives.

    I make the Assymetric Commander module synced to a Civ Obj Module with no filters and NO Military modules.

    The reason I have this set up is because with ALiVE, I found that syncing an Assymetric commander to a military module eventually had unrealistic IED factories, etc. set up INSIDE my bases, which was an immersion killer. The taliban aren't gonna have weapon caches in the barracks of Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan..ever. Also...I prefer to keep the insurgency within settlements and not attacking fortified bases with well armed and trained soldiers.

    4. Vehicle spawners-I'm starting to become a scrooge when it comes to vehicle spawners for several reasons.

    a. Players on my server are starting to neglect the logistics vehicles I placed in the camps and instead..are using vehicles as "disposable objects" that they drive to a location..then abandon on the battlefield.

    b. If you have 2 Helicopters and 2 MRAPs..and that's it...versus an unlimited supply..suddenly your entire strategy changes in how you approach using them.

    Also...I'd recommend setting friendly reinforcements at 500 or higher for a persistent campaign. I set ours to 200..and after 2 weeks of sessions in this campaign...we are now completely out of logistics reinforcements. The Taliban have been kicking our ass.

  9. a. Players on my server are starting to neglect the logistics vehicles I placed in the camps and instead..are using vehicles as "disposable objects" that they drive to a location..then abandon on the battlefield.

    Is Woody still playing with you guys? He was always really good at cleaning up everyone else's abandoned vehicle messes lol.

  10. @AUTigerGrad We're playing my mission RESTREPO on our server as we speak.

    Some tips I would give for Clafghan....

    I think mine is setup almost the same as yours which is cool. I never thought about building my own bases for the OpFor in the mountains; This could result in some interesting scenarios (training base in the mountains for example). If I did not already mention it, I have two civilian placement modules setup. One is made for the villages and one for the city. City has low placement (still a lot of civies) while the villages have a lot more.

    Can I still have a military module for the camps and all that but blacklist the FOB's and airbase so they don't spawn stuff in there or will they do it regardless anyway?

    I also have a virtual vehicle spawner in our base with a laptop that is hidden that only I can use to "order" more supplies and whatnot, I hope that works out.

    I also went around and added extra infrastructure (the lack of any kind of communication / power infrastructure) was odd to me. So I put a few "abandoned" facilities in the city and one eerily "destroyed" one way out South-West.


    More ideas and tips the better. Our persistence starts on Friday so I got all week to wrap up any finishing touches.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You can (and should) blacklist your bases (and/or bases or places you don't want units to spawn in) in the enemy mil/civ obj modules. And others too, like civ placement, etc.

    Place markers around the bases you don't want them spawning inside. Name the markers. Then put those marker names in the blacklist lines of the modules, separating them by a comma and no spaces.


    Blacklist line: Base1,Base2,Base3

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Another insurgency tip I would share would be that IMO, the default values in the Assymetric Commander module for simultaneous attack objs (10) and min civ recruit (2) cause the insurgency to grow too fast.

    Depending on what I'm after, for simultaneous objs I like 4 or 5 and for min civs I like between 4-8(ish). My personal opinion is that not adjusting these makes things get out of hand extremely quickly and the insurgents will repopulate like freaking bunnies with civ recruitment centers all over the place. You'll need to do some testing by debugging to find a good balance but I would absolutely recommend you tinker with these two settings, and also civ hostility and preplaced installations for the icing on the cake as well.

  13. What would be a good priority level for a custom objective (Like a house with some netting and whatnot) in the mountains?

  14. I think I placed all of my camps in the 50 priority level and I made their size about 20-30ish so units didn't patrol too far away from the camps.

  15. @AUTigerGrad I think I placed all of my camps in the 50 priority level and I made their size about 20-30ish so units didn't patrol too far away from the camps.

    Do you put any infantry groups there using the Custom Module or leave it as an objective only?

  16. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Mannulus Do you put any infantry groups there using the Custom Module or leave it as an objective only?

    I personally use both options, depending on how many units are already on the map without the cust obj. Generally speaking, if I go to the trouble to hand craft a compound or a camp, I usually also want it to 100% have enemies there but if the mission feels good without them, keeping it obj only will give the place a "random" element. Maybe it'll have units, maybe it won't.

    Either are good choices. The important thing is that an objective is there.

  17. Edited 8 years ago by JD_Wang

    @AUTigerGrad 4. Vehicle spawners-I'm starting to become a scrooge when it comes to vehicle spawners for several reasons.

    a. Players on my server are starting to neglect the logistics vehicles I placed in the camps and instead..are using vehicles as "disposable objects" that they drive to a location..then abandon on the battlefield.

    You want to know how I solved that in my Snake Wrangler mission?

    I use Spyders vehicle spawn and have the actual spawn point quite a way off the map, I also have it trigger a script and remove fuel from the vehicle. The script spawns a chinook out at the same location and has will sling load the vehicle and transport it to the base.
    This means from the time you request a vehicle, to the time it is delivered, about 5-8 mins passes. Once the vehicle has been delivered the chinook flies off and despawns out of sight.

    Now the players have a vehicle sitting at the base without fuel (OSHA regs, can't transport fully fuelled :P ) so they need to bring the tanker over and fill up their ride. (we also use a script which increased fuel consumption so refuelling is an actual thing)

    Doing all this takes time, so with no magic respawning vehicles at base (apart from 2 Quad bikes for general duties) the players seem to take more care of their vehicles, try and make them last, and we've even had vehicle recovery missions to head out and tow back a damaged Jackal, or repair and limp home in a HEMTT.

    Plus (at least I think) it adds that little extra layer of immersion. I've even considered doing the same thing but with weapons and ammo, so the players have to keep an eye on supplies at base etc.

  18. I would kill for a script like that @JD_Wang.

    I also wish I could get that one function from the ol ArmA 2 MSO regarding "wrecked" vehicles. If you all don't remember, vehicles that get destroyed (blown up, crashed, etc.) had a marker appear over the wreckage and persisted throughout. Salvage crews could go out there and either tow it or get it airlifted back to base where it was dropped off in a sort of "wreckage" zone where it would be respawned / repaired.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by JD_Wang

    I'll dig it out of the mission tonight and post it up for you.

    It's pretty basic from what I remember although a bit messy as I'm more a code "copy paster" than a code writer :P

    Ok I have 3 empty markers on the map vehicleSpawn, vehicleDelivery, and vehicleDespawn. Pretty self explanatory as to what they do.

    then in the code section of the vehicle spawner I have
    [["CUP_B_CH47F_GB","vehicleSpawn","vehicleDelivery", "vehicleDespawn"] execVM "scripts\slingload.sqf"]call BIS_fnc_MP;
    which calls the script, you can use a different heli by changing the classname.

    Then the frankenscript looks like this

    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    // pull class names from arguments passed through execVM
    _heli_class = _this select 0; 
    // marker positions
    _spawn =  _this select 1;
    _spawn = getMarkerPos _spawn;
    _destination = _this select 2;
    _destination = getMarkerPos _destination;
    _despawn = _this select 3;
    _despawn = getMarkerPos _despawn;
    "Roger! BIGBIRD 2-1 inbound with your vehicle, ETA 8 minutes" remoteExec ["hint"];
    //remoteExec [[west,"HQ"] sidechat"Roger! BIGBIRD 2-1 inbound with your vehicle, ETA 8 minutes"]
    	//sleep 120;
    // spawn invisble helipad object for heli to target
    _helipad_obj = "Land_HelipadEmpty_F" createVehicle _destination;
    //while {true} do {
    	// spawn heli
    	_heli_spawn = [_spawn, 0, _heli_class, West] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
    	_heli = _heli_spawn select 0;
    	// safeguard it
    	//_heli setCaptive True;
    	_heli allowDamage false;
    	// get heli's crew and assign waypoints	
    	_heli_grp = group (driver _heli);
    	_heli disableAI "AUTOCOMBAT";
    	_heli_grp setFormation "WEDGE";
        _heli_grp setBehaviour "SAFE";
        _heli_grp setSpeedMode "NORMAL";
    	// delete all of heli crews' waypoints
    	while {(count (wayPoints (_heli_grp) )) > 0} do {
    		deleteWaypoint ((wayPoints (_heli_grp)) select 0);
    		sleep 0.5;
    	_mvWP = _heli_grp addWaypoint [_spawn,1];
    	_mvWP setWaypointType "HOOK";
    	sleep 5;
    	// tell heli to move to and attempt to land at the destination
    	_mvWP = _heli_grp addWaypoint [_destination,2];
    	_mvWP setWaypointType "UNHOOK";
    	// tell heli to move to and attempt to land at the destination
    	_mvWP = _heli_grp addWaypoint [_despawn,3];
    	_mvWP setWaypointType "MOVE";

    After that I have a trigger at the vehicleDespawn marker that deletes the chopper and crew.
    Hope that makes sense

  20. Neato! I wonder if anyone around here knows someone who could possibly look this script over and clean it up / update it. It looks pretty good as is but with all the updates recently idk how it will work out.

  21. Still works perfectly in my mission.


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