Civilian Hostility

  1. 8 years ago

    How does civilian hostility levels work? I know they influence the rate at which they join an insurgency and if they'll give you information and whatnot, but how exactly do I lower hostility levels?

    It would be amazing if there were "hearts and minds" type tasks you could complete like bringing supplies to a village or healing/medevacing wounded villagers. Or you could have civilian-assigned tasks such as rescuing a kidnapped relative or villager or clearing a certain compound/area where civilians have been displaced by insurgents. Each of these tasks could lower civilian hostility in whichever sector the task was assigned in, or just lower the overall civilian hostility level after so many tasks were completed, etc.


  3. Is there a way to fire off "[getPos player, [side player], -20] call ALIVE_fnc_updateSectorHostility;" upon completing a C2ISTAR created task?

  4. Also, how does one identify civilian infrastructure on the map? Like factories, power stations, etc.

  5. Not right now, there are no events that fire upon C2ISTAR event completion. Infrastructure can be identified by standard map icons.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by dev614

    The only infrastructure buildings I see for Takistan seem to be gas stations. Is that correct? So gas stations would be the only target for insurgent sabotage? Is there a way to place a building in the editor and somehow mark it as civilian infrastructure for ALiVE to use? Sorry for bombarding you with questions, you've been plenty of help. :)

  7. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I don't think infrastructure is 100% always going to have map icons. When indexing maps, the indexer has some discretion for which objects they'll classify as comms/power/fuel/marine/etc. These choices are usually pretty obvious but not always.

    I haven't explicitly checked the maps I've indexed if an icon correlates. I'd assume, for example, that on Takistan, the oil fields would be considered a "fuel" objective but I haven't looked at the staticData to verify its classified as that by the indexer (though I'd bet it is), or if a fuel icon appears there.

    Also, not all maps are going to have all the possible infrastructure. I know on some maps I've indexed, some have very few infrastructure objects (Bin Song Tanh is a good example of this).

  8. I was hoping that was the case, I might search around this staticData file and see the classifications so I can better understand the situation in Takistan and what needs protected.

  9. Pretty much any building can be a sabotage target, key infrastructure is of a higher priority.

  10. @SpyderBlack723 Pretty much any building can be a sabotage target, key infrastructure is of a higher priority.

    Is there a way to mark an editor placed building as a high priority sabotage target? I would like to make a telecommunications tower I created a target, and if destroyed I'd set up a code to disable combat logistics until it's "repaired."

  11. Edited 8 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    If it's tall, it already has high priority. It needs enterable positions to be used as a sabotage target though.

  12. 7 years ago

    @SpyderBlack723 If it's tall, it already has high priority. It needs enterable positions to be used as a sabotage target though.

    Coming back on this, does anybody know if a telecommunications tower with a ladder would be considered "enterable"?

  13. If it has an AI position, yes, if not then no.


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