@AliveServer download (stand-alone)for rented server

  1. 8 years ago

    Hello, sorry if covered elsewhere....
    I'm at work now and I wonder the @Aliveserver is included in the download at the alivemod.com/download page. Bechause of restrictions of phones and certain activities on the network here I can't verify it myself.

    The reason I ask is bechause I can't uplad .dll's to my dedicated server (rented, security, blah blah) and they need a place to fetch the addon from, outside of my profile on the war-room. How they installed it in the first place is a mystery for me (and to the guy i'm talking to).

    I have a real old version now and persistency problems and I reeeeally want to get my Arma on tonight.

    Thank you and have a nice day y'all!

  2. Yes, the link on the download page includes both @alive and @aliveserver. There's also http://alivemod.com/downloads/@aliveserver.zip but I'm not sure how up to date that one is.

  3. Edited 8 years ago by gaZthme

    Hey thanks for the response. I'm home now and it seems they have done it. whopwhop :)

    Edit: The reason I needed an update was because it's longe since the last time @AliveServer was updated, and I got this "Unfortunatly we were unable to download your profile etc, etc". Now AliveServer is updated and I still get this message.

    From the alive plugin:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Params:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] - [GET]
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] - [sys_data/dictionary_2NF_USArmy_Insurgency_Takistan_v.0.7.4]
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] - []
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Return value [['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 96.111ms
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Params:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [info] Config file: C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] ###### ServerName ######
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] Error: Unable to open config file
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] RAW: ServerName
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Return value [['ServerName','ERROR','Unable to open config file']]

    Is there anything you gods can take a look at? Everything works, but not persistency between restarts.

  4. @gaZthme [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [debug] Params:
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [info] Config file: C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] ###### ServerName ######
    [2017-03-21 19:16:03] [error] Error: Unable to open config file

    It's failing to open your server.cfg file that you supply through the -config parameter for arma3server.exe. Currently it's looking for "C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config" which seems wrong, should be server.cfg (if you haven't renamed the file that is).

  5. This is a part of my server command line:
    -profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -config=server.cfg

    I have neither changed the filename of server.cfg or edited this line though. I have tried to replace the data module also now, to no avail. I've also downloaded a new alive.cfg which is placed in the arma3 root dir as well, but still this message appears.

    I know this may be interpreted as "someone pleace fix", I'm sorry if you do, but I honestly have no idea what to do.

    -Albert :)

  6. I see what's going on, place the -config before -profiles. That should fix it. Seems like a small error in the plugin. :)

  7. Hey thanks for the try marceldev, I tried switching places between -config and -profiles but the message still appears. I have done some more testing now, and it seems to me that some assymetric installations which are destroyed persists between restarts, but not all. The buildings are back up (probably because of reloading map?), and some have installations inside again which were destroyed before the restart. I toggle OPCOM installations via the ALiVE admin menu. It's the first time I test this througly so it's hard for me to tell if this is a new symptom of the mentioned error in the plugin/mission setup/something,something.

    I also notice when I destroy the building with airstrikes the installation can still persist. Sometimes I go in and set of some more explosives and it may or may not remove the installation (maybe it takes some time?) I feel it's hard to tell without using the toggle installation-function though.

    Annyways, far of topic now.
    Thanks again and have a great night! I will try some more towards the weekend.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    I'm not an expert on this stuff (by any means), and I agree since your server is acting wonky upon loading persistent data, its probably the cause, but I'd like to test your mission on my server with the persistent data of installations.

    Can you post your mission here (preferably with ALiVE/CBA only) so I can't test it on my end to make sure installations are saving/loading as intended?

  9. Edited 8 years ago by gaZthme

    Heroesandvillains: sure no prob. I'll provide you an dropox link when i'm at home on friday. I'll try to get the modlist as short as possible if it doesent require too much editing :) I've seen on your missions we use pretty much the same mods though. Appreciate it alot dude.

    Edit: And if the data module or something editor based is causing persistency problems, I still can't figure out the "failed to download profile data from ALiVE servers" message. I'll post the logs as well when I get home if anyone is interested. But the most noticable section is posted above, regarding "Return value [['ServerName','ERROR','Unable to open config file'" as far as I can see with my limited knowledge.

    Cheers! :D

  10. I'd personally like to see how persistent data is handling installations on a server that's connecting without any rpt errors. So seeing as I can't help you with the errors, I can go the other way and test on my own server to see. So yeah, thanks for offering the link. :)

    Though by all means, if one of the devs here help get you sorted, please test the installations again and let us know if they are saving/loading as intended.

  11. @gaZthme When/if you post the mission, please list the repro steps. I have a vanilla insurgency template for testing purposes and will probably run that first.

  12. @gaZthme can you post the complete command line that you use to start the server?

  13. 7 years ago

    @marceldev89 now I'm home, server command line as requested:

    -config=server.cfg -profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -mod=@cba_a3;@ALiVE;@spyder_addons;@CUPCore;@CUPMaps;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@Project_OPFOR -servermod=@AliveServer -port=2312 -IP= -world=empty -gtqueryport=2314

    Config is now first after your suggestion. But otherwise, everything have been the same.
    Downloading a vanilla ALiVE mission and testing as soon the hyenas are in bed :)

  14. Edited 7 years ago by gaZthme

    Hi again;

    So I tried with Operation Landlord, only cba and ALiVE loaded and the same message appeared. Attaching links to .rpt and plugin:

    .rpt: http://pastebin.com/TJCxxTmG
    plugin: http://pastebin.com/0xmFY9t4

    Using this command line:
    -config=server.cfg -profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -mod=@cba_a3;@ALiVE -servermod=@AliveServer -port=2312 -IP= -world=empty -gtqueryport=2314

    Still it's failing to find some config file.
    I'm starting to think maybe I just have to try to make a new profile on the war-room...? But it gets data though, currently it says I'm in Operation Landlord.

    Cheers! :)

  15. that last plugin log looks fine to me, everything should be working. :)

  16. from the .rpt:

    20:15:54 ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
    '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_marker/2NF_Operation-Landlord-%7c-ALiVE-','']

    Could this be something relating to the (un)welcome message? :P

  17. From what I understand it just means that it couldn't find any stored markers in the database. Shouldn't cause any problems.

  18. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I see what you mean about installations not being removed after being destroyed. I blew up two HQ's (one weapons and one civ recruit), and neither went away when you debug OPCOM installations.

    This is on Takistan with mods, btw.

    As far as I can tell, operations are ceasing in the blown up building areas (insurgents don't seem to be being recruited from the blown up installation), but the marker does remain even after being properly destroyed.

    And I'm taking about during the same session without exiting and loading the server. You blown them up and the debug stays.

    Also, the weapons depot I discovered had no objects placed inside it. I mean I blew it up anyway but I would have never known it was an installation without debug/having discovered Intel on the location.

  19. Yes exactly. I will try to remove most of the mods expect ALiVE,CBA and the CUP terrains and try to see if the results is any different tonight. But if I'm going to go for the long haul of removing the insurgency in Takistan, I always have to debug the installations to be sure what exactly exists. It seems two satchels usually removes the installation marker though. But I'll keep anyone who's interested updated.

    Regarding the message appearing at the beginning of the mission, this is how it looks like:

    Thanks alot for your time Heroes. And with that feedback I interpret it that the mission itself is correctly put together regarding the modules and whatnot. Appretiate it alot.


  20. I haven't tried your mission yet. I was playing one of my own when I noticed the installations not being removed from debug after being blown up.

    What I'd actually like to do is try a vanilla mission on Stratis, and then try the same mission on Takistan to see if anything odd is going on. I have a template I use for testing which I can send you if you want to check it on your end too.

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