@AliveServer download (stand-alone)for rented server

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS


    I'm not an expert on this stuff (by any means), and I agree since your server is acting wonky upon loading persistent data, its probably the cause, but I'd like to test your mission on my server with the persistent data of installations.

    Can you post your mission here (preferably with ALiVE/CBA only) so I can't test it on my end to make sure installations are saving/loading as intended?

  3. Edited 8 years ago by gaZthme

    Heroesandvillains: sure no prob. I'll provide you an dropox link when i'm at home on friday. I'll try to get the modlist as short as possible if it doesent require too much editing :) I've seen on your missions we use pretty much the same mods though. Appreciate it alot dude.

    Edit: And if the data module or something editor based is causing persistency problems, I still can't figure out the "failed to download profile data from ALiVE servers" message. I'll post the logs as well when I get home if anyone is interested. But the most noticable section is posted above, regarding "Return value [['ServerName','ERROR','Unable to open config file'" as far as I can see with my limited knowledge.

    Cheers! :D

  4. I'd personally like to see how persistent data is handling installations on a server that's connecting without any rpt errors. So seeing as I can't help you with the errors, I can go the other way and test on my own server to see. So yeah, thanks for offering the link. :)

    Though by all means, if one of the devs here help get you sorted, please test the installations again and let us know if they are saving/loading as intended.

  5. @gaZthme When/if you post the mission, please list the repro steps. I have a vanilla insurgency template for testing purposes and will probably run that first.

  6. @gaZthme can you post the complete command line that you use to start the server?

  7. @marceldev89 now I'm home, server command line as requested:

    -config=server.cfg -profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -mod=@cba_a3;@ALiVE;@spyder_addons;@CUPCore;@CUPMaps;@RHSUSAF;@RHSAFRF;@Project_OPFOR -servermod=@AliveServer -port=2312 -IP= -world=empty -gtqueryport=2314

    Config is now first after your suggestion. But otherwise, everything have been the same.
    Downloading a vanilla ALiVE mission and testing as soon the hyenas are in bed :)

  8. Edited 8 years ago by gaZthme

    Hi again;

    So I tried with Operation Landlord, only cba and ALiVE loaded and the same message appeared. Attaching links to .rpt and plugin:

    .rpt: http://pastebin.com/TJCxxTmG
    plugin: http://pastebin.com/0xmFY9t4

    Using this command line:
    -config=server.cfg -profiles=C:\games\108_61_98_154_2312\1273263\arma3\config -mod=@cba_a3;@ALiVE -servermod=@AliveServer -port=2312 -IP= -world=empty -gtqueryport=2314

    Still it's failing to find some config file.
    I'm starting to think maybe I just have to try to make a new profile on the war-room...? But it gets data though, currently it says I'm in Operation Landlord.

    Cheers! :)

  9. that last plugin log looks fine to me, everything should be working. :)

  10. from the .rpt:

    20:15:54 ALiVE Extension (ALiVEPlugIn) Error: ['{"error":"not_found","reason":"missing"}
    '] CMD: SendJSON ['GET','sys_marker/2NF_Operation-Landlord-%7c-ALiVE-','']

    Could this be something relating to the (un)welcome message? :P

  11. From what I understand it just means that it couldn't find any stored markers in the database. Shouldn't cause any problems.

  12. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I see what you mean about installations not being removed after being destroyed. I blew up two HQ's (one weapons and one civ recruit), and neither went away when you debug OPCOM installations.

    This is on Takistan with mods, btw.

    As far as I can tell, operations are ceasing in the blown up building areas (insurgents don't seem to be being recruited from the blown up installation), but the marker does remain even after being properly destroyed.

    And I'm taking about during the same session without exiting and loading the server. You blown them up and the debug stays.

    Also, the weapons depot I discovered had no objects placed inside it. I mean I blew it up anyway but I would have never known it was an installation without debug/having discovered Intel on the location.

  13. Yes exactly. I will try to remove most of the mods expect ALiVE,CBA and the CUP terrains and try to see if the results is any different tonight. But if I'm going to go for the long haul of removing the insurgency in Takistan, I always have to debug the installations to be sure what exactly exists. It seems two satchels usually removes the installation marker though. But I'll keep anyone who's interested updated.

    Regarding the message appearing at the beginning of the mission, this is how it looks like:

    Thanks alot for your time Heroes. And with that feedback I interpret it that the mission itself is correctly put together regarding the modules and whatnot. Appretiate it alot.


  14. I haven't tried your mission yet. I was playing one of my own when I noticed the installations not being removed from debug after being blown up.

    What I'd actually like to do is try a vanilla mission on Stratis, and then try the same mission on Takistan to see if anything odd is going on. I have a template I use for testing which I can send you if you want to check it on your end too.

  15. Ah OK, i misunderstood. But yes, send it to me and we'll have a look tonight :)

  16. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Hey, very nice use of BIS functions for that intro in your mission. It's good! Maybe someday you can teach me how to do intro music. I could never figure that out. :)

    Anyway, I noticed that you had set the Player Options module to "No" under Save to Database. Pretty sure you'd want that on. Anyway, that's what I did and I started the mission briefly on my server and I don't get the same error message you're getting (my profile data loads just fine). Not sure if I needed to server save and exit and try loading again or whatnot, but seeing as the mission seems set up properly otherwise (and I use the same mods in my own missions), if you're still having issues after changing that Player Options setting, I'd gather it's a problem with the way your server is setup. Or maybe some of the scripts your using (ICON Power, etc).

    Speaking of mission design, I'd recommend changing your billboard images to .paa files. Jpg files load slowly in Arma and are less than ideal. Take your images in you pics folder, right click on them, then edit, and save them as 512x512 (you can use other sizes based on this size formula) png files. Then, open Arma Tools (which is free if you own the game on steam), and open the Image to PAA program. Find your pics directory and change those png files to paa. Then open the mission and change the .jpg path to the new .paa path, and then enjoy the fast loading images baby! :)

    Also for your intro loading screen image (.jpg is fine for that), if you right click on it, then edit, and resize it to 2048x1024, it will fill the entire loading box. It's annoying that we need to do that to fill that loading screen box but it's a nice touch when you do it.

  17. "Anyway, I noticed that you had set the Player Options module to "No" under Save to Database"
    - D'oh. This is what happens when a fresh pair of eyes take a look. I have fixed it now and still the message appears though, but nice catch.

    About the intro I fetched the script and video from here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19289 . I think the little arma logo at the beginning is awesome and the UAV feed with the mission description thingy is a nice mood-setter.

    I have a lot to learn regarding mission design and stuff. I haven't used arma tools yet, and have just "settled" with the slow loading of the pictures so far. But will definitly look at it at a later point! :)
    Anyway; thank you for looking through the mission and feedback. Regarding the message I'm starting to think I will try to make a new profile and see what happens then.

    You were mentioning a vanilla ALiVE mission to test the installations not disapearing accordingly? I will take a look at the mission sections of the forums later on and report back if issues still appears. I'm working away 'til next weekend so I'm not going to bug you for a while now, haha :D


  18. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    You're not bugging me. :) Feel free to reach out any time.

    Yeah, I'll try to get you vanilla template here soon. I forgot yesterday. And yes, this installation thing is still happening and now I'm not convinced it's NOT a problem.

    I took out a couple more civ recruit and weapons depots (and of course, they don't go away in debug), and after fighting for my life for nearly 45 minutes taking one of the larger Takistan central cities, and bringing in 3-4 groups to hold it (and there were absolutely zero enemy groups in the town when I left), I RTB and 3 new Taliban groups appeared there (damn it all) and I'm fairly positive it's was from the civ recruitment center not properly having been eliminated even though I blew it up and no others were in the area.

    That said, I will have to put some time aside and test this vanilla and also watch closely after destroying to see where these groups are coming from.

    I really don't like this installations not disappearing thing one bit (it sort of makes Assymetric mode pointless to play) and it's thoroughly frustrating to take a city and have it immediately get taken back.

  19. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Here's a CBA/ALiVE only test insurgency mission. It's basically a template I use to test certain features, so it's not something really designed to play. It's just the modules set up in a similar-ish fashion to what I'd use when playing, and in this instance with one player slot, with your guy carrying like 13 explosives in his backpack for the installation test. :) I doubt it will solve your profile loading issues but I guess stranger things have happened so maybe worth a try.


    Sadly, regarding the installations, the Stratis template works just fine. Meaning I have no clue what's causing our issue with the installations not being removed from debug after being blown up. Could be Takistan, could be RHS/PO, could be CUP, I have no idea. All I know is with this test mission on Stratis, using no additional stuff, everything works correctly, even on a dedicated server.

    I noticed on Takistan, a very small portion of buildings will remove from debug so it's kind of strange. It's just almost all of the buildings on the map won't (related to the new JBAD buildings maybe?) but it isn't all of them.

    EDIT: It's not related to any faction mods or scripts. I can duplicate the problem in the SP editor with just CBA, ALiVE and CUP Terrains for Takistan only. Will open a ticket tomorrow.

  20. @gaZthme Please reference this closed ticket for why installations seemed to not be removed on Takistan. If you still see a problem with them, I can reopen the ticket:


  21. Hey man, cool, more explosives noted ;)
    I will do some tweaking and try this tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for doing all of this, I never imagined all of this being done in the mean time I was gone for the week. :D

    Now the only issue is the welcome message if we consider the installations as solved. It's probably not a biggie though. Player data and such is being updated on the ALiVE war room, we'll see how much time I'm willing to use on the issue, and marceldev have looked at the plugins and server cmd line without finding anything...

    So, we'll see, annyways thanks again so far :)


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