Suicide Bombers/Rogue Agents

  1. 7 years ago


    Sort of an odd thing I just noticed, suicide bombers with vests will walk around but won't actually detonate them on us and I just had a rogue agent with a suicide vest run right at me, point his weapon at me point blank but did not engage me lol. Would this be because of the arma update?


  2. Edited 7 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Perhaps he dropped his ammo.

    Suicide vests don't always mean suicide bomber, it's just a convenient way for us to carry items in an invisible vest.

  3. the suicide vest shows up even when suicide bombers are turned off in the module. It breaks immersion when playing a vietnam style map for instance. Is there a way to change the vest type or insure they dont have the item? For now we just roleplay that the vest signifies someone linked to the insurgency.

  4. Suicide vests don't always mean suicide bomber, it's just a convenient way for us to carry items in an invisible vest.

  5. I've never seen any items other than demo blocks in the vest.

  6. That doesn't mean they are a suicide bomber though, there are other functions.


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