Server save and exit not working

  1. ‹ Older
  2. 7 years ago

    ontop of that, how do I run those commands? I tried throwing it in the debug console but it didnt seem to do anything.

    I'm also not sure how to reset the persistence using those commands on the armahosts server either

  3. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    yep so my method is to hit player exit first so it saves the player. Then I go back in and hit server save and exit

    Don’t do that. As admin your player data will save using server save and exit. Player in this case is for your your non-Admin friends that join your server. The way I understand it is, your buddies hit player exit to save their state. Everyone but you is logs out first. You then hit server save and exit to save your progress and the mission progress.

    If playing alone never use player exit. Use server save and exit only. Try this and report back.

    NOTE: If the server is running the mission after everyone exits in a perpetual state (like a 24/7 server anyone can join at any time), and you want to keep the mission running even if you as Admin has to exit the server, I’m honestly not sure what you’d click. ALiVE has a feature that will allow the mission to “pause” when no players are detected on the server but the mission is still running, which is set in one of the modules. @marceldev89 ?

    Anyway, for this purpose testing saving mission state, use server save and exit only and see if it finally saves.

    For the commands you won’t visually notice anything. If on a server not local hosted, hit server exec. If local hosted or in SP (or even the editor) hit local exec. I’ve never personally tried server exec because I always host onmy own PC but it should work that way.

  4. @M.Shifty @marceldev I attempted to run it on another dedicated server (hosted on another pc in my house). The location of placed vehicles and time of day save properly, but the player position and loadout does not. I went through the mission that Heroes made and the player options looked all correct. The RPT is below but yeah the RPT indicates everything is saving find except player profiles but even that I'm not sure.

    It seems like everything is working but when we go back and test it the player persistence didn't work at all.

    Test Environment RPT

    The RPT is showing that player data is being saved and loaded. I really have no clue if there's something failing and if so, what would be failing. It's been quite a while since sys_player had meaningful changes and so far you're the only one reporting this issue.

    @M.Shifty ontop of that, how do I run those commands? I tried throwing it in the debug console but it didnt seem to do anything.

    I'm also not sure how to reset the persistence using those commands on the armahosts server either

    You put 1 of those commands in the debug console and hit the "server exec" button. I don't think those scripts give any feedback but if you don't get an error it probably worked. ^^

    @HeroesandvillainsOS a perpetual mission doesn't do any ALiVE persistence by default, you need to hit that button. You can call the saving function manually to save, I think.

  5. Update:
    @HeroesandvillainsOS I found your By the sword mission on Clafghan for RHS. Confirmed its working with persistence and all. I'll look into the other missions and see what could potentially be going. I have been using your method of just hitting server save and exit, it works perfectly. Do you think the autosave feature would work? If so how would I go about implementing that.

    Thanks again for the support guys.

  6. Check and search for autosave. Glad it finally started working. :)

  7. Nice. Though I don’t see why that one mission won’t save for you. It’s set up the same way and requires almost no unneeded mods. Well if you figure that out let me know.

  8. Edited 7 years ago by M.Shifty

    Yeah for some reason it's specifically the Malden mission that I made and the Tanoa version you linked me to. I found that when the nato faction was rhs_usarmy_d (not sure if thats the exact name) but either way US army from RHS, the server save and exit (persistence) does not work.

    I tried to modify the by the sword to isolate the problem and thats where I ended up hitting a brick wall. Also @HeroesandvillainsOS when I go into your mission the logistics module is greyed out for me? Is that intended? I was looking for a fix for it. Only way I ended up getting it working was changing the faction and playable units to the RHS US army faction but in doing so seemed to break the persistence. I'll keep you updated if I find anything else, currently in the process of upgrading our server so it might take a little bit.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Lol what? It’s grayed out as in, you double click to open it and the options can’t be edited? Or you can’t even open it at all? I’ve never ever seen that. Ever.

    To be fair, that specific mission I don’t touch much because CLA Clafghan has some issues. But last I tried it was ok. I’ll take a peek when I have some time though. Weird issue.

    EDIT: You mean in the editor or its grayed out the tablet in game? First thing I’d do either way is delete and replace the module. You could try that I guess.

  10. @HeroesandvillainsOS as in when I am in game the logistics option doesn't work. When I click operations it says theres no OPCOM? Not sure whats going on here but the units are still the rhs usmc d like you had them setup.

  11. Thanks guys for all the help, glad its finally working somewhat its been puzzling me for ages. :D

  12. @M.Shifty @HeroesandvillainsOS as in when I am in game the logistics option doesn't work. When I click operations it says theres no OPCOM? Not sure whats going on here but the units are still the rhs usmc d like you had them setup.

    Hmm. Gonna guess maybe the modules need to be deleted and replaced. ALiVE did some re-work on some of the modules a few months back, and considering I don’t play this one really (again due to the map having issues) I doubt I saw the sense in keeping it maintained.

    Most of my other ones should work. You can see my update dates on the mission Workshop pages.

  13. ^^^ In the event you try others, to spare you trial and error, I’ve played Inshallah and Battle of Sangin recently and both work fine.

  14. Awesome thanks man! I've been trouble shooting this server save and exit thing, it seems to be related to rhs_usarmy_d

    When I tried changing the factions by placing new modules it broke the server save and exit. However when I used those same modules with rhs_usmc_d the same issue of logistics and opcom presented itself. Strange, might be a bug?

  15. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @M.Shifty Awesome thanks man! I've been trouble shooting this server save and exit thing, it seems to be related to rhs_usarmy_d

    When I tried changing the factions by placing new modules it broke the server save and exit. However when I used those same modules with rhs_usmc_d the same issue of logistics and opcom presented itself. Strange, might be a bug?

    Maybe. Though that still doesn’t explain your overall persistence issue with my Tanoa showcase, because that uses vanilla factions and requires no outside mods aside from Spyder Addons.

    I think at this stage it would best to make your own mission from scratch. ALiVE and CBA only. See if it works (if not, post the missionhere). If it does, then and only then add your modded factions of choice. If it breaks then, post that modded mission here instead and I’ll take a look-see.

    Either way, make something. If it doesn’t work I’ll take peek (start with vanilla first).

  16. remade the mission with very limited mods so we could try playing it on the server. For some reason save and exit still isnt working.

    Mods were
    cba, ALIVE,ace,acex,spyder_addons and tfar to make sure everything we needed was working. Not sure whats going on but its back to the original issue (running on a dedicated server)

    I've included the rpt here and a mission pbo incase you need it. Figured ace and tfar wouldnt break anything since on the sample missions it seems to do ok? Any advice on what I'm doing wrong would be great, thanks again guys!



  17. Can you remove the dependencies aside from ALiVE, CBA and Spyder Addons, try it and if it doesn’t work post it back here?

  18. ^^^ Actually, along with that, try this:

    Load the mission locally on your computer. No dedi. Host a LAN session and see if it saves there.

  19. WIlco, I'll let you guys know once I get back to my place this week.

  20. Just to confirm, you want me to try loading it in the editor and hosting it from there?

  21. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @M.Shifty Just to confirm, you want me to try loading it in the editor and hosting it from there?

    No. I mean you can, but this is what I was thinking:

    Put the mission PBO in your MP Missions folder in your Arma 3 root folder. Then when in-game, click on Multiplayer and host your own session. Select the map, then the mission, start the mission then save it by clicking server save and exit.

    Then close the game, follow the steps above to start the mission again and see if it loads properly when you select the mission again.


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