Esseker - All reinforcements spawning at Map Origin

  1. 7 years ago
    Edited 7 years ago by Shamorshin

    Hey all.

    So I've been on vacation for the past week and have wisely decided to spend 8 hours a day tweaking my unit's ALiVE map.

    Finally this morning I've got it to a great, balanced, playable state. We tested it tonight and everyone enjoyed the 8-man OP, but we had one big problem -- the reinforcements seemed thin.

    Turns out what the players thought were reinforcements were just the motorized patrols I'd set to spawn. The actual reinforcements never came because Every reinforcement that was supposed to spawn in spawned at map origin in the bottom right and just sat there.

    Is this an issue with Esseker? It seems from looking things over in the last hour or so that the map is abandoned by the dev and that it may have never been indexed properly.

    I have a strange feeling that there's no way to fix the problem easily. I know that the modules are all configured appropriately. Everything is working great, but at the bottom left corner of the map I've got an area that, when activated by player presence, spawns in every unit that the OPCOM has tried to call in for reinforcement. They don't move, they just sit there as the vehicles pile up and explode. Trucks, cars, helicopters, and armor.

    Using RHS Faction MSV as primary and a handful of mods. Can provide further info if needed, but it seems like the map may be the primary culprit.

    What should I do now?

  2. Edited 7 years ago by AngusDLX

    I experienced these problems with reinforcements appearing on the edges of the map in Takistan and then with ALIVE + CBA only on Altis, it seems to be a little different from what happened to you. It seems to be a random bug hard to reproduce. The commanders also stop giving orders and all units stand still (at least in my case).

  3. Fairly certain Esseker has some issues and it’s not advised to use it for ALiVE ops.

  4. Hey Angus. Yeah it did seem that the commander was having problems assigning units tasks, as the ones that would spawn just stuck to their initial patrol routes but nobody did anything else.

    Esseker is still listed on the compatible maps list. I'm going to test in a little bit with just CBA and ALiVE and see if the map still bugs.

  5. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Shamorshin Hey Angus. Yeah it did seem that the commander was having problems assigning units tasks, as the ones that would spawn just stuck to their initial patrol routes but nobody did anything else.

    Esseker is still listed on the compatible maps list. I'm going to test in a little bit with just CBA and ALiVE and see if the map still bugs.

    Use at your own risk. I think we discussed the state of Esseker internally a few months back (I think maybe I had offered to do a new index?) and the consensus was to avoid it. I can’t recall offhand the reasons but I think you’re already seeing some of them.

  6. If you test the map again and find it's consistently buggy (spawning at 0,0) please post back here and I will update the wiki

  7. Edited 7 years ago by Shamorshin

    Hey there.

    Reporting back! So I figured out that the units which were primarily showing up were units I had deleted to assist in cleanup. Should have let the garbage collector handle that, and when I didn't manually delete AI controlled units, they don't virtualize at the map origin -- so that's good.

    Question 1: If I manually delete AI-controlled units, are they supposed to appropriate re-virtualize, or does this bug the AI commander?

    So I thought that fixed my problem, and then I added an Air commander module set up to RHS_faction_vdv. Note that my primary units are set to rhs_faction_msv. What I found then is that a Mi-24 spawns at the map origin point and doesn't seem to do anything. I haven't gotten far enough into fighting the AI commander yet to see if he moves it, but I'm guessing he won't. When I placed a friendly Air commander, the same thing occurred and he was tasking player air to attack the enemy units at map origin, so the friendly AI helicopter (rhs_faction_usarmy_wd) was spawning down there as well.

    Is this likely caused by a map conflict, or a configuration conflict? All other units seem to be spawning, tasking, and re-inserting appropriately.

    As an aside, where the hell do I find alive.cfg to place in my arma 3 directory? I'm not finding it and realizing now that ALiVE isn't appropriately loading (per the logs) as it can't find that file. I have no idea where to find it.

    Here's my most recent log:

    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] ALiVEPlugIn v2.1a-
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - [true]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] Error: Unable to open alive.cfg
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','Unable to open alive.cfg']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] IP returned:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 37ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: GroupName
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [info] GroupName:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Function: SendJSON
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - [GET]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] - []
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] RAW: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] Error: curlGet() failed
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [error] RAW: ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:08] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [info] Config file: D:\TCAFiles\Users\DanielG2\23796\config.cfg
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [info] ServerName:
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 00:13:51] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [StartALiVE ['true']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: StartALiVE
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - [true]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] Disable Performance Monitor: true
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] Reading 'alive.cfg'
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] ###### HandleMessage - StartALiVE ######
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] Error: Unable to open alive.cfg
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] RAW: StartALiVE ['true']
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['StartALiVE','ERROR','Unable to open alive.cfg']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 1ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerAddress]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: ServerAddress
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] ServerAddress - Querying for IP @
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] IP returned:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 59ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [GroupName]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: GroupName
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [info] GroupName:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [SendJSON ['GET','sys_data/config','']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Function: SendJSON
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - [GET]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - [sys_data/config]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] - []
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] ###### curlGet ######
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] Error: curl_easy_perform() failed
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] RAW: URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] ###### HandleMessage - SendJSON ######
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] Error: curlGet() failed
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [error] RAW: ['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] Return value [['SendJSON','ERROR','['curlGet','ERROR','curl_easy_perform() failed']']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:17] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] >>> ParseMessage [ServerName]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] Function: ServerName
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] Params:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [warning] ALiVE not initialized yet!
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [info] Config file: D:\TCAFiles\Users\DanielG2\23796\config.cfg
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [info] ServerName:
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] Return value [['']]
    [2018-03-13 01:21:59] [debug] |/-\ Elapsed time: 0ms

    As it stands right now, we have persistence of AI-controlled units, vehicles, and I'm testing object placement. Objects placed via fortify without activating player logistics actions are not persistent, which I'm sure is working as intended.


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