@Aliveserver & DLLs

  1. 10 years ago

    So small issue, was wondering if anyone had a workaround?

    Trying to setup Alive on a server (hosted by FPS Players). Apparently i'm not allowed to touch DLLs (understandable), but how the heck do I get it installed then?!

    Any info would be great! Thanks!

  2. Tupolov

    26 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Register on war room, create a group and follow the instructions when registering a server. Ensure you unblock DLLs before transferring to your server - preferably unzipped via ftp

  3. I'm registered. Group is created. Instructions followed. DLLs unblocked.

    Thats not my issue.

    My issue is the Hosting company does not allow the TRANSFER of DLLs via FTP. I'm sure some others are the same. Was hoping for a work around

  4. Tupolov

    26 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Lol. Really? I would contact them. There are several popular mods that use extensions in ARMA like TFAR, ACRE etc

  5. i know. :-/

    This may be a sign to switch. Their Customer Support isn't great either.

  6. Ok guys.....so the server company says the DLLs have been installed correctly. However, anytime anyone connects, picks a slot...."You were kicked"

    Here is my Rpt file since I cannot fully confirm proper or complete install of the @aliveserver. Does anyone see anything pop out at them? Thanks very much in advance. I'm taking suggestions of new hosting companies ;-)


  7. Tupolov

    28 Feb 2015 Administrator

    Looks like ALiVE is not initialising correctly. None of the modules are getting created correctly. Is there an admin logged in when the mission starts?

    Also did you place the data module in your mission?

  8. No admins are logged in. I had the data module down but that didnt seem to be working either?
    here is the rpt with Data module in the mission. Same result.


    I still think its the @aliveserver, but im not the expert ;-)

  9. Tupolov

    28 Feb 2015 Administrator
    4:53:10 No player found for channel 411517120 - message ignored

    is not normal. Something wrong there.

     4:53:10 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #543491051, users.card=0
     4:53:10 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 543491051
     4:53:10 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 543491051 (niko911)

    also that is not right.

    4:53:10 ALiVE [m_0|40] Module ALiVE_require INIT
     4:53:10 ALiVE [m_1|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT
     4:53:11 ALiVE [m_1|200] Module ALiVE_SYS_playeroptions INIT COMPLETE TIME:  0.0319977
     4:53:11 Creation of object L Delta 2-3 failed, state LOGGED IN
     4:53:11 Creation of object L Delta 2-3:<Empty main subgroup> failed, state LOGGED IN

    and finally that means ALiVE is not running as the modules are not getting created.

    Something is FUBAR and its not related to @ALiVEServer

  10. Alright thanks. Does the server need a physical DB to run the data mod? Server guys are asking.

  11. Tupolov

    28 Feb 2015 Administrator

    No. The DLL is a client that connects to a central database on alivemod.com

  12. ah ok makes sense now. Thanks for your help. I'll beat up my server hosting company.

  13. @rescue1lt ah ok makes sense now. Thanks for your help. I'll beat up my server hosting company.

    Its not Wombat Servers is it? I had trouble with the DLL files for Aliveserver but I wasnt sure if it was me or server limitation. Got fed up, decided to forgo persistence and shelved it as a low priority in my list of "ARMA things to learn"


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