AI soldiers/vehicles blocking fixed wing aircraft

  1. 10 years ago

    How to prevent AI soldiers/vehicles from standing on runways?

    Happens a lot, fixed wing aircraft get stuck and there is really no way to police the area during missions. I see a lot of AI just standing around anyway in open fields, roads, etc, not something a real soldier would do and it looks kinda odd. Is there a plan to make them change positions occasionally or at least find some type of cover when that go to static positions? I know this is part of Arma in regards to objects in standoff with one another.

  2. 9 years ago

    Well for the AI standing on runways you could add a trigger in the editor that deletes or moves them off the airfield.

    You could also try using an AI mod like ASR_AI3 which might help things.

  3. Hmm, well looks like I might have to dive into the scripting aspect of Arma then hehe.

    I'll have to investigate the ASR_AI3 mod, I already have so many mods on my server that my buddies will light up the torches if I add another one lol

  4. ASR_AI is a great, lightweight mod that gives the AI some basic smarts... if your mission only spawns AI on the server you can get away with only running ASR_AI on the server.


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