[FIXED]Player combat support (artillery) rounds getting disabled (=disappear from the Ordnance list)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    Setting artillery ILLUM or SMOKE round amount to 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 (and HE to _any_) and firing the available amount with a full volley (1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 depending on the set amount) will after

    1. firing ILLUM
    2. make HE rounds disappear from the Ordnance list

    Doing in that order also gives 2 times the amount of ILLUM rounds available than what was initially set. This means that setting for example 6 rounds of ILLUM will actually make 2 * 6 = 12 rounds available.

    (cnt'd)...will after

    1. firing SMOKE
    2. make HE rounds disappear from the Ordnance list
    3. after the second volley of SMOKE make ILLUM rounds disappear from the Ordnance list

    Doing in that order also gives 3 times the amount of SMOKE rounds available than what was initially set. This means that setting for example 6 rounds of SMOKE will actually make 3 * 6 = 18 rounds available.

    Tested with Arma 1.56, CBA and ALiVE 1.0 in use.
    Also this was tested only with Arty/Mortar type O_Mortar_01_F thinking that this out of anything else would have the least to do with the earlier described behavior.

  2. Thanks for the report.

  3. Since I just recently updated to CBA_A3 version I just now redid this test (with Arma 1.56 and ALiVE 1.0) to confirm that there was no change in the earlier described behavior. And there wasn't.

  4. Thanks again - I've opened a ticket for it so it will get looked at eventually

  5. 8 years ago


    31 Mar 2016 Administrator

    What do you mean out _any_?
    If you mean you actually typed that then the lies the problem.
    It needs to be numeric, after each fire mission, the back end code, checks each type of round and if it's less than 0, or NaN it removes this type of round from the available list.

    If not please advise exactly what you put and I will take a look.


  6. Edited 8 years ago by Asmodeus

    @GunnyDev What do you mean out _any_?

    Hi Gunny.

    _any_ in this case means anything between 1 and infinite. Though I don't know if infinite is possible but whatever happens to be the max amount of rounds that you can actually put in the field.
    For simplicity's sake let's say anything between 1 and 1000 or anything else than 0.

    I hope I didn't mix this any further with that description but please do ask if I did.

    For testing I'm using:

    Callsign: FOX SEVEN
    Arty/Mortar Type: O_Mortar_01_F
    Number of HE Rounds: 180
    Number of ILLUM Rounds: 24
    Number of SMOKE Rounds: 6
    *any other type* Rounds: 0
  7. GunnyDev

    2 Apr 2016 Administrator

    Ah ok thanks, I will try to reproduce using the asset mentioned above.

  8. Edited 8 years ago by Asmodeus

    Edited the earlier post to include the parameters I've been using while testing.

    ALSO tested with A3 1.56.134787, @CBA_A3 and @ALiVE with no change compared to the original behaviour.

  9. GunnyDev

    3 Apr 2016 Administrator

    Thanks for the report, I have managed to repro and have commited a fix into Dev branch.


  10. @GunnyDev Thanks for the report, I have managed to repro and have commited a fix into Dev branch.


    Great to hear! Though probably not the most common problem out there and more like that you happen to stumble on it.. still looking forward to give it another run after the fix to put this one in the books.

  11. Edited 8 years ago by Asmodeus

    Fixed in release

    (no more disappearing ordnance :) )

  12. GunnyDev

    14 Apr 2016 Administrator

    Thanks for confirming its fixed, oh and raising it in the first place!


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