Server Crash on mission start

  1. 10 years ago

    Not sure why just trying to set up our server for Alive but as soon as i try and start the mission the server crashes ?

    Only running @alive,@aliveServer @Cba on this server - tested with vanilla mission all worked fine - but as soon as i start the demo Alive mission it crashes.......

      Arma2Net.Unmanaged (C:\Steamcmd\arma3_3\@AliveServer\Arma2Net.Unmanaged.dll)
    Distribution: 0
    Version 1.38.128937
    Fault time: 2015/01/26 16:42:04
    Fault address:  75694B32 01:00013B32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
    file:     ALiVE_Air_Assault
    world:    Altis
    Prev. code bytes: 20 83 64 24 10 00 8D 04 24 50 FF 15 80 83 71 75
    Fault code bytes: 8B 4C 24 54 33 CC E8 07 72 FF FF 8B E5 5D C2 10
  2. Tupolov

    27 Jan 2015 Administrator

    Can you go through the validation steps as documented on War Room server page and let us know what's in the alive.log and aliveserver.log

  3. OK think i found the Issue we do not have a Static IP on this box we are using or

    Does it have to be a static IP ?

  4. OK got it working - just done a reinstall seems to connect now - strange :)

  5. Hmm OK can anyone please confirm it if Only works with IP ? as I tried but no Joy

    But IP does work but as it is not static that will be no good :(

  6. Tupolov

    31 Jan 2015 Administrator

    Yep unfortunately only support IP with War Room today.


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