Mission not working on dedicated server. [FIXED!!!]

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by R4MP4G3_RE4P3R

    Alright, I have been working on a customized version of the Insurgency template mission from the alive website. The problem I am facing, is that my mission won't launch on a dedicated server and launches partially on a server made within the arma 3 multiplayer menu. When I try to launch the mission on a dedi, it loads, the map/briefing does not appear and my screen is stuck on the loading screen. However, I can hear myself walking and the ai commands around me. I tried using different missions on the dedi, and they all work.
    When I try to start it on an in-gamer server, the mission launches, I get the map screen and the game starts. The problem is that the Intel (yellow dots) do not spawn, only the red squares. What is wierd is that in the editor, I get no issues. The mission works perfectly as it should!

    I hope someone can help me out.
    Greetings, R4MP4G3_RE4P3R

  2. Been having similar issues on my dedicated server as well, haven't been able to nail down exactly what's wrong. My missions do start eventually, sometimes taking up to 5 minutes to start.

    Try double checking every single module and make sure that there are no user made errors in the module configurations, like wrong marker names for TAORs and Blacklists or redundant CQB modules. Worst case, redo all the objectives and CQB modules one by one, and make sure the missions loads normally after each one.

    The yellow dots are a debug feature, they only show up in a singleplayer/editor-started mission.

  3. Edited 10 years ago by R4MP4G3_RE4P3R

    Thanks for your reply Skadee. I'll verify everything. Also, I was unaware of the intel debug feature, Thanks for letting me know. Maybe something in ALiVE was broken during an A3 update?

  4. Deleted 10 years ago by Lasher
  5. Edited 10 years ago by R4MP4G3_RE4P3R

    Okay, I see to have figured it out. I linked all of my empty vehicles to the "Alive Virtual AI System" using the "Virtualise all editor units exept synced units", lowered the amount of civilians from medium to low, added a TAOR for blufor units (insurgents still do not have one) and added "disabledAI = true;" to my "description.ext". Try them out and if they work, be sure to let me know!

    I hope this may help some people!
    Cheers, R4MP4G3_RE4P3R


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