Infinite Loading Screen. This is an issue.

  1. 10 years ago
    Edited 10 years ago by November

    No. My modules aren't grouped.
    No. I don't have an high load of units.
    No. I don't have an high load of CQB units.
    No. I don't have a large map.
    No. It isn't a custom map.

    This drove me nuts, and I still can't get the bottom of this.
    Downloaded Alive's mission Pyrgos Assault. Got infinite loading screen.
    Started to try the quick tutorial built on Stratis. Got infinite loading screen.
    Downloaded Alive's mission Scavenger. Got infinite loading screen.

    At the firsts attempts I thought it was our problem, maybe something server related.

    Redone the scenario by the quick tutorial on Stratis Map. Got infinite loading screen.
    I started to search something about this problem. Found some posts here.
    Ungrouped the modules. In the meanwhile I changed something on the scenario on Stratis. Previewed, everything was loading and working fine.
    Status on modules: [ Bluefor ] Military Placement, Military AI, Military Logistics, TAOR1 [ Opfor ] MP, MAI, ML, MCQB, MCP, TAOR1
    > yeah.jpg
    Teammate starts with Alive, I explain something to him, then i link the quick tutorial steps.
    " Something isn't working, it doesn't load. "
    Told him to ungroup modules. Got infinite loading screen.
    Starting to add something on my mission, change some details.
    Got infinite loading screen.

    Starting to deconstruct my mission, trying to test which variable, module, mod, setting is making this Infinite load trigger.
    Spent a lot of time, and still can't get an hint about it.

    I try with just the 3 essentials modules. Ok
    Military Placement. No TAOR. Ok.
    Military Placement, Military AI, No TAOR. Ok.
    Military Placement, Military AI, TAOR assigned. Ok.
    Military Placement, Military AI, TAOR, Military AI for OPFOR. Got infinite loading screen.
    Military Placement, Military AI, No TAOR, Military Placement OPFOR, No TAOR. Ok.
    Military Placement, Military AI, TAOR, Military Placement OPFOR, TAOR2 < overlapping with taor >, Got infinite loading screen.
    Military Placement, Military AI, TAOR, TAOR2 < overlapping >. Got infinite loading screen.

    I am no expert, but i can't get where is the problem.

    I am not obviously attacking the Alive dev team, wich made a really stunning job, creating the best tool for mission makers by far. But this thing is a major issue, because it hits in the heart of the mod itself.

    Best regards

  2. Friznit

    7 Jan 2015 Administrator

    Please could you upload one of the non-working missions so we can take a look? I've tried all the scenarios you listed and cannot repro the issue.

  3. highhead

    10 Jan 2015 Administrator
    Edited 10 years ago by highhead

    I guess you are just missing an essential sync on one of the modules (very likely OPCOM)!
    Upload your mission somewhere (please remove mods) and we will fix it for you!

  4. highhead

    10 Jan 2015 Administrator

    "Military Placement, Military AI, TAOR, Military AI for OPFOR. Got infinite loading screen."

    did you follow one of the youtube tuts for setting up a basic mish?
    basic is -> Require ALiVE module -> Virtual AI commander -> Military Placement with/without TAORs and given a faction each (OPF_F, OPF_G_F, etc.) -> Synced OPCOM with same faction (REBELS RED for OPF_G_F) f.e.

  5. Edited 10 years ago by Biosphere

    I am having the same problem and its making me mad... Now I will post a link for the pbo mission I am testing... please do not distribute of course but... this is weird... I just want to have a ao marker called OPFOR_1 now if I place a Mil Placement Mil Obj by it self.... I can get it to spawn units at the TAOR marker... but as soon as I add a military ai commander to it and sync it the Mil Placement it won't load... but when I put a mil placement mil obj for nato as objectives only and place a ai commander for nato its loads fine. can you please tell me why... and I tried the quickstart guide on the wiki and it doesn't work for me step by step... I can get everything to work the way I want... just can't use the ai commander whatsoever... please advise.

    pbo download

    Basically my objective to setup multiple zones on the map this way. With seperate commanders for each area and possible add custom factions but I can't get the basics down yet. New to ALIVE mission making... been doing scripted missions a while now. I also made sure the opcom factions matched the mil placements.

    Also I don't understand the minimum requirements for the AI Commander do I need to have an opposing commander or not and do they both have to be synced to a placement module?

  6. Edited 10 years ago by Lasher

    Remove your Civilian modules and try to launch on the server again - it will load.

    I tested the muck out of this issue - remove the civilian modules and it should start with much less hangtime (about ten minutes), albeit the main reason I re-implemented ALiVE was for civilians. Unfortunately it would seem that civilians are broken since the Arma 3 update :( Although I may be mistaken, even after a week of trying to solve the issue so I could at least launch the alpha candidate server for the community I'm a part of.

  7. Edited 10 years ago by R4MP4G3_RE4P3R

    November, If you want to try, I may have found a fix. I was having the same exact problem.

  8. Getting the same issue. I managed to get the mission to run a couple of times yesterday, but now not at all. This is done in the single player editor for me, with no luck even running Req. Alive > Profiling System > AI Commander linked (not grouped) to Civ/Mil Placement with (and also tried w/out) TAOR.

    Infinite load.

    I can see this is a known issue now, so I guess its just going to be a case of holding out for a patch?

  9. If you delete the ai commander does it load for you? It does for me

  10. Tupolov

    30 Jan 2015 Administrator

    This is not a known issue until someone provides a Repro mission and the Dev team accept it is a bug. We haven't been able to repro this.

  11. Edited 10 years ago by RAINF

    Im using it with the Ukraine/Novorussian mod, so factions are RNR_Pack and UA_Pack and is set on Chernarus from AllinArmA - the mission CAN work, the "mission"(it is very bare bones) has worked on several occasions for me, but now it just freezes on the loading screen.
    Link to mission:

    See how you go :P

  12. Tupolov

    31 Jan 2015 Administrator

    We don't repro with mods, please switch out the mod for vanilla units. Thanks!

  13. In any case the link is no good, it apparently has malware in it, do not use them as a file host ever!

    This link is safe. Anyhow I will try with vanilla units and report back.

  14. I had this issue too, my problem was I typed in the custom faction I wanted to use incorrectly.

    Since typing incorrectly in the faction field causes it to load forever, maybe just double-check that.

    I also noticed that I could tell with the loading bar if it was going to work or not. When previewing your mission it does 2 loading bars. When the second bar reaches completion it should enter in game within a few seconds. My experience showed that if the second bar is loaded and the game still doesn't kaunch almost immediately, it never will so there's no point waiting. Then I have to end task for arma and start over.

  15. ok after extensive testing I found out that it doesn't like the filters too much I just did do not filter and it worked for me. Hope this helps. the placement objects and make sure you sync the civ obj to the ai commander... Try just using an ai command and a civ placment with no filters and make sure you have to required base modules for alive.

  16. Friznit

    4 Feb 2015 Administrator

    The root cause of this issue is when OPCOM cannot find any objectives it freezes on init. We've fixed the bug in the next release candidate but in the meantime you can avoid it by using debug view to ensure there are some objectives showing before adding the Virtual AI Commander.

    Since all our testing is necessarily done on vanilla only, we didn't spot the error before! Thanks for the input guys and sorry for the pain!


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