ALiVE Map List and Descriptions

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  2. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ha! Sweet. Hopefully C2ISTAR considers the palace worthy enough at some point to give me an HVT task there. Davidoss sent me a script I can use to also make my own HVT objective too but I like being surprised in my own missions and don't have the skills to make my own mission randomization.

    It really is a sweet little island and that floating runway just totally opens up the mission possibilities. Now to see if I can safely land the chopper throughout the island or if I'll need a fastrope script. Knowing BIS and how heli's handle unflat surfaces (OMG CLAfghan!) I'll probably need the script. That and fastroping is sort of cool anyway. I hear chicks dig it. :)

  3. If you do end up needing a fastrope script I can recommend zlt Fastrope, as long as you don't mind using vanilla transport helos (or manually configuring the script for mods). Especially useful because it also works for any AI team-mates.

  4. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah I'm thinking of that one (or SHK's update to it) but I use 3CB choppers and don't really know if either would work with the Merlin without tinkering.

    AI being able to use it is very important. As is use on a dedicated server.

    So let's say I use a "non-supported" chopper. Would it still work? I don't care if the ropes don't look like they're positioned great. Just need to get up and down.

    EDIT: Yeah I see on the forums rope position does matter and that the SHK one might have issues on dedicated servers. That sucks.

  5. Anyone had any luck using the map Celle or Celle 2for Alive? It looks interesting, but I see it may have some issues with Alive still?

  6. ^ not in some time... like back when AiA was the only option. They are both listed on the supported maps page - if you try them out and they don't work please let me know.

  7. Does anyone have any missions on N'Ziwasogo at all they can just launch on their server for me? I've tried limiting the objectives and units (down now to about 100 objectives which is pretty typical for what I set up) and my mission load time on my server is over 10 minutes. I think it's related to an ALiVE grid error and I'm wondering if the map needs a slight clean up for indexing.

    I can set up a QuickStart mission for the devs using vanilla factions if that would be helpful (not sure if you guys keep QuickStart missions for testing for indexed maps or not).

  8. Same issue at my end Heroes

  9. Yea I get the same hero. Then when it does load I get 1-2 FPS.

    Anyone know any good working africaeque maps? Ive been having some weird issues with isla duala and Ive been told its some object errors on the map itself and it needs to be reindexed (tried but Im stuck). THe AI Commander seems to ignroe the limits placed on the Military and Civilian placement modules (has 60 units total at its disposal but I always see much more)


  10. I think once N'Ziwasogo gets a reindex you'll see better results. Perhaps if you feel motivated to index stuff Opendome you could try that one?

    With all those trees I doubt performwnce will be great but with the last version of the map, when it loaded, it played fine. The initial load time problem I think was related to a clusterdata error relating to the civilian spawns (I think). Since you and I have the same rig I think you'd find it playable too if you limit objectives. The map just needs a reindex now because it updated a couple weeks back with building replacements.

  11. I would but my attempt at trying to index a map has failed and Im not sure what Im doing wrong.

  12. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    It seems a handful of people that have tried it (and posted about it at least) have said they couldn't figure it out either. I wonder if perhaps the wiki would benefit from a revised tutorial or some additional troubleshooting steps?

  13. Yea I think thatd be really helpful. If I knew waht I was doing and was confident in it I'd be indexing maps and uploading them here like a mad mans

  14. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I need another map recommendation. I'm out of ideas. :( I just pretty much wrapped up a mission on Diyala in prep for the next ALiVE update, so I'd like to try something new. Preferably not middle eastern.

    Indexing moves so fast here it's hard for me to know what's working well and what isn't. Are you guys having fun on anything in particular ATM?

    I think I want to make something with the RHS Russians as the player side, but beyond that I'm stumped. I checked out Beketov and I don't think it's gonna work for me (too many fences and they will play havoc with AI IMO).

    It doesn't need to be Russian feeling; just not middle eastern. Any suggestions would be welcome. I'd hate to just pick something and find out the map has indexing issues or lighting issues or whatnot.

  15. Edited 8 years ago by marceldev89

    @HeroesandvillainsOS Beketov works fairly well. I did a mission in Beketov city with a few custom objectives spread around and it was quite enjoyable. The fences can be annoying at times but they AI seems to like to "hide" in fenced of areas which gave me quite the adrenaline kicks a few times. ^^

  16. Haha! I kind of pictured a mission on that map sort of feeling like it was on rails and that navigation might end up being a nightmare for my AI teammates. It's cool to see you're enjoying it and that the enemy/obj spawned AI using the cover to their advantage though!

    I didn't expect a reply over the weekend TBH. I just cross posted this on BIS forums. :)

  17. I'm kind of in the same situation to be honest. Except I don't mind a Middle Eastern map. It seems like every map I've wanted to make a mission on lately (Diyala, Zargabad, Kunduz, Al Rayak, Panthera etc etc) seem to be broken, which I assume is all due to either needing reindexing or this bug that stops enough civilians spawning. (I gots to have me a lot of civs :P )

    Doesn't help that I don't really "feel" Tanoa I guess.

  18. Friznit

    21 Aug 2016 Administrator

    Gunkizli is good. It's middle eastern buildings but not desert.

  19. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @JD_Wang LOL yeah I noticed that too. Pretty sure Panthera just got indexed though so you can cross that off the list soon I think! I downloaded it yesterday and it's pretty as hell.

    @Friznit oooh good idea. :) I think I may try Chernarus for a conventional Russian vs Ukranian battle. That map is still playing nice with ALiVE mostly, yeah? I scouted it yesterday and feel pretty good about it assuming it works fine these days (there are differing reports when searching the forums).

    Also, any word on how SMD Sahrani or Bornholm are working right now? Probably fluffed up due to the new lighting I'd gather.

  20. I'm fairly sure Sahrani works fine. I'm thinking about building an RHS conventional war on there myself this week to keep me going until the next ALiVE release, which as I understand should fix the civilians issue.

  21. Honestly, I haven't had any issues with many maps at all right now.

    Sahrani, Isla Duala, etc. They all work fine for me. Spawning is great. Civs spawn fine, etc.

  22. 8 years ago
    Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @JD_Wang I'm fairly sure Sahrani works fine. I'm thinking about building an RHS conventional war on there myself this week to keep me going until the next ALiVE release, which as I understand should fix the civilians issue.

    I decided to go with Chernarus and cross my fingers it will work. I'm finding the best mission making method for me right now is to build the bases and add everything non-ALiVE related first before plunking down the ALiVE modules (for whatever reason doing it the other way around causes me issues). So if it doesn't, I'll have put in a lot of unnecessary work. :) I should probably mock up a quick test just to be sure.

    Still undecided on exactly what kind of mission I want it to be though. I'm thinking of giving the player side (Russia) control of the two smaller bases, and have us outnumbered by the Ukranians who'd also control the main airfield (that we ultimately would need to take over to cut off their resources and "win."); barring any better ideas.

    I kind of wish the winter version of Chernarus was indexed or what have you, because it would be cool to make the same mission on both maps. Maybe Arma 4 will have dynamic seasons. :)

    What maps are you considering?

  23. I'm probably going to go back to Sahrani. I'm actually thinking about making a special operations base on the small island of Rahmadi in the south. Then populating the rest with some sort of rebel forces + civilians. That way we can run small hit and run operations against said rebels, or even use the ALiVE logistics functions to try and construct an FOB on the island.

    I've been using 3CB BAF for a while so I think it's time to build something around RHS and maybe Project OPFOR

    At least that's my initial thoughts.

  24. @HeroesandvillainsOS  @JD_Wang LOL yeah I noticed that too. Pretty sure Panthera just got indexed though so you can cross that off the list soon I think! I downloaded it yesterday and it's pretty as hell.

    @Friznit oooh good idea. :) I think I may try Chernarus for a conventional Russian vs Ukranian battle. That map is still playing nice with ALiVE mostly, yeah? I scouted it yesterday and feel pretty good about it assuming it works fine these days (there are differing reports when searching the forums).

    Also, any word on how SMD Sahrani or Bornholm are working right now? Probably fluffed up due to the new lighting I'd gather.

    What units are you using for the Ukrainians? I've been trying to find some that have armor / vehicles / static weapons. Until GREF works, I've found myself kind of stuck. I briefly tried Leights Opfor but some of those units don't even spawn, it causes the map to load infinitely, or the way they do spawn, it's not NEARLY as populated compared to if I use RHS units like Marines or Army. It's very bizarre.

  25. Are you using the old Leights OPFOR or the new Project OPFOR as that's much better and up to date.

    Otherwise Massi probably has a pack (I think the Chernarus pack with vehicles) which could probably work for what you want.

  26. @JD_Wang Are you using the old Leights OPFOR or the new Project OPFOR as that's much better and up to date.

    Otherwise Massi probably has a pack (I think the Chernarus pack with vehicles) which could probably work for what you want.

    I didn't even know Project Opfor existed. And it works with ALiVE? I'll have to go try it and get back to you.

    Would be nice if someone updated the Wiki with all of the units that work. I would, but I don't know that yet lol. Thanks!

  27. @Dexter As far as I know Project OPFOR is what leights has become. Plus the guys who picked it up and are working on it have said they want it to be fully ALiVE compatible.

    It still needs some work, and I'm pushing them to make civilians just as much a part of the pack as the OPFOR so they're useful in Insurgency style missions.

  28. Yeah that's a very good call having civilians. It's the only reason I use CAF AG these days. Even in non-insurgency missions, having civilians around is a great immersion multiplier.

  29. Honestly if I knew anything about creating units I'd make a pack with Middle Eastern civilians with beat up old cars and utes, and do the same for a European theatre.

    Then take all those exact units, give them AK's, RPG's etc mount an HMG on the utes and make it an independent force.

    The reason I've been playing my Takistan insurgency for so long is not being able to tell the difference between civs and insurgents makes for much more tense gameplay. It'd be even better if some insurgents would wander around without weapons, then head to their house or HQ to grab an AK when you rolled into town.

    Patrolling through a town, and having a bunch of civilians wandering around you going about their business, and not knowing which, if any, are going to pull out an AK and shoot you. Now that would be the ultimate goal.

  30. If the commander is asymmetric you already have that chance for some civilians to be insurgents without weapons.

  31. @JD_Wang Have you checked out ALiVE's dev version on Github?

  32. @SpyderBlack723 yeah I've been on the wrong end of those guys a couple of times, but in my perfect world they would be the majority of insurgents. Don't get me wrong I'm happy with the way things are, but the idea of all insurgents being "civilians" until they can ambush the players is really cool/scary.

    @HeroesandvillainsOS no not yet, I was considering it but I think I'll just remain patient and stick to release versions. It makes sharing missions/getting others to play easier.

  33. Currently on Github, you can make your own factions. Hopefully it's stable and makes it into the next release! Then you can have the insurgents of your dreams. :)

  34. If it's in the GH release it'll be in the public release.

  35. Can you actually pick and choose the weapons/equipment for these factions?

    Like is my dream of fighting civilians with AK's about to become a reality?

  36. I haven't messed with it myself but AuTigerGrad invited me to watch him mess with it during a broadcast. So I think....

    Yes, yes you can! :) At least it seems so. He was moving kind of fast but yeah, I think you can do that. The devs would have to clarify though.

  37. Is AuTigerGrad on Twitch? I'm always looking for more good ARMA VODs to watch

  38. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh. Haha. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant to say he just sent me an invite to 'watch his broadcast' on Steam. :) I'm encouraging him to boost his public persona though. But first we need to get him to turn back on the option to record his voice just when recoding our sessions for regular YouTube highlights. Once we get there I'll push him for Twitch. Then....the world!

    Baby-steps first. :)

  39. You can edit the weapons available to each civilian faction via static data stuff.
    Can try to find an old post on it


  41. Does anyone know of any winter maps that currently work? I read on here Chernarus Winter is a no go.


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