Has anybody in the dev team worked on a module that assigns random AI activities when the AI does not currently have orders assigned to it?
I am thinking opfor soldiers talking to each other, or one soldier breaking away for a pitstop, etc...
Has anybody in the dev team worked on a module that assigns random AI activities when the AI does not currently have orders assigned to it?
I am thinking opfor soldiers talking to each other, or one soldier breaking away for a pitstop, etc...
Not something that's been considered, though I do get that quite often you can observe AI formations standing still doing nothing in the distance. There's a ticket open to enhance the defensive posture of groups on objectives, which would go some way to fixing this.
For the most part, any AI not assigned to defend an objective by taking up fortified positions should be assigned to do random patrols (there can still be times where AI stay still since they completed an objective and have not been assigned another one, or a random patrol, yet).
It would be cool to expand on the random patrols by having the chance that some groups patrol, some groups "rest" (sitting and related animations), some groups adopt a temporary defensive stance by finding a nearby hill or defensible position.
For groups who are actively defending an objective, CQB units do a great job of moving around and providing a sense of liveliness. It would be neat to transition those movements to the non-CQB placed units so objectives feel more immersive as opposed to 20 guys standing on rooftops and in bunkers without ever moving or switching shifts.
This could probably be a subset of the command chain.
Ie. A new TACOM-esque entity monitors occupied objectives and handles patrols and sub-routines using the units assigned to that objective.
Maybe also have convoys sometimes stop due to mechanical failure (or flat tyre) and spend time repairing it whilst the escort is assuming all round defense or just chills out... I have no doubt this is something tricky to code but hopefully something still doable for you guys!!
Random Civ AI should not be forgotten.
I know Spyders addon has the ambience module which is cool, but I've also been playing Liberation lately, and watching those civs drive around from place to place is pretty awesome too.
Civ ambiance is already done, they have realistic patterns of life. More improvements to come over time.