Best way to increase enemy presence in empty fields?

  1. 10 years ago

    I've made a mission in the north-east section of Altis, from the lighthouse down to the salt-flats airfield. After the military outpost at the lighthouse there isn't really any civ or mil objectives that ALiVE uses until the small airfield on the northern coast. In between that there's about half a klick of open woods, then a km of open farmland & fields.

    I want to increase enemy presence in this area because it's a little boring. Whats the best way to do it?

    I was thinking maybe:

    • custom objective with low priority but large area
    • increase roadblocks on civ placement module (will that work?)
    • create manual groups in the area, sync to factions Commander AI and Virtual module (theyll be re-tasked to a placement objective though, won't they).

    ALiVE experts, help! haha

  2. With a custom objective you can place down where you want the objective to be and even choose if you want troops to spawn there and what the priority should be.
    Increasing the road blocks on the civ placement module will only work if there are roads there.
    Creating a manual group in the area can be a bit tricky and will require more work to keep them in the area.


    1. create custom objectives in the area and have them spawn units and sync them to AI Commander and set them to occupation or you cannot sync them to the AI commander so they won't move, but the downside is that the AI commander won't know about this objective.
    2. Create groups in the area and sync them to the AI Commander and the Virtual module and set the AI commander to occupation and create a custom objective around the area you want the groups to be in.
  3. Yeah I'll try #2 first, think that will produce the best result. I might add some heavy CQB in that area too, so the custom obJ structures are filled.

    You mentioned ASR AI in the other post and I don't want to hijack that thread, so I'll ask here (hehe)

    Does ASR AI conflict with ALiVE's AI Skills module? I'm using that atm to adjust skill levels between CSAT and AAF and I have the mission difficulty on ELITE to remove 3rd-person and unit blips from the map.

  4. I'm pretty certain ASR AI does conflict with the AI Skills module. I remember seeing someone had asked about that as well in the past but can't find post. With ASR AI you can do the same thing you are doing with the AI Skills module. You can tweak the settings in the mod for each faction.

  5. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator

    Yep, ASR will conflict. Don't use the ALiVE's skill module with any other AI enhancement mods. ASR is very good though.

  6. Just put units in the field with the editor. They will virtualise/cache. I dont know how to make them patrol, because UPS doesnt work with ALiVE virtualised groups. But if engaged in combat, or are near combat, they seem to join in with the ALiVE generated troops in searching and attacking.

  7. Friznit

    10 Mar 2015 Administrator

    You can use regular move and cycle waypoints. Those will be profiled happily.

  8. I use DAC for this to fill in the gaps


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