1.68 Is anyone having issues adjusting MIL Obj Objective Size Filter?

  1. 8 years ago

    Oh FFS, I think it was was Highhead or Marceldev89 that brought this up to BI FOREVER ago when 64-bit came to dev, but I can't seem to change the settings dropdown on Objective Size Filter in the MIL Obj module. The drop down won't show me any options, and is forever stuck on "ignore small objectives." For whatever reason, the CIV Obj modules work just fine.

    Is it just me?

  2. it was @highhead and here's the ticket: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T122322 . You should post something in there to get it back on their radar I guess ^^

  3. Thanks. I just did. Bummer this made it into stable considering how long ago a dev was made aware of this.

  4. highhead

    17 Mar 2017 Administrator

    this issue gets my blood boiling...

  5. highhead

    17 Mar 2017 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by highhead

    PS: you can get around the issue by switching resolution size from small to normal (or vice versa), then set the dropdown and switch back afterwards...

  6. Thanks. You'll have to change your name to Hightorso after your head pops off with rage if BI doesn't fix it soon. :)

  7. They'll fix it. Question is how long does it stay fixed, probably the third time this has been introduced.

  8. You should be able to drag the menu around too. I haven't created a new mission since the update so I haven't messed with ALiVE modules, but just general editing in Eden has the same problem in the center of the screen. I just dragged the menu a little up and to the left, and was able to select the drop down menu fine. Must just be a deadzone in the center.

  9. I did notice this during RC testing but honestly didn't think much about it since a simple exit and restart of the editor fixed it on my end.

  10. A fix just went live on dev. Anyone on dev branch want to confirm?


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