Unsung units ALiVE problem

  1. 8 years ago

    Even though unsung units are supported on ALiVE's supported units page all I can get working is the civilian placement modules with UNSUNG_C. For the military placement and military ai commander I use UNSUNG_E which is supposed to work but all I get are vanilla troops are errors saying those groups don't exist. Any help? One guy said that UNSUNG_E might only be partial of the unsung troop names. Thanks.

  2. @AUTigerGrad ?

  3. So I've played around a little and it seems if you put any of the UNSUNG factions:

    UNSUNG_W: US Army
    UNSUNG_EV: Vietcong
    UNSUNG_G: A.R.V.N.
    UNSUNG_C: Vietnamese

    in civilian placement they work fine, but if you put them in military placement or military commander they are not recognized as valid groups.

  4. Civilian placement uses a different method for getting units because civilians aren't usually organized into groups.

    You can place down the ORBAT Creator module in a blank mission and use the interface that opens on mission start to tell if those factions have ALiVE compatible groups defined.

  5. They are all compatible, but there are a lot more UNSUNG factions then I first found, let me test around with a few and see if I can get any to work.

  6. ALRIGHT, I got the faction UNSUNG_E_NVA_1968 to work for military placement, I'm going to try a combo of the other factions

  7. I'm going to try a combo of the other factions

    Military placement modules only work with a single faction, if your trying to enter multiple it will error out.

  8. Ah alright, I can't get any others to start working by themselves anyway

    So it seems like for the OPFOR forces on Unsung the only military faction that works is UNSUNG_E_NVA_1968

  9. Alright I've run into a new problem, when I use ALiVE with the UNSUNG_E_NVA_1968 they all work in the mission file multiplayer server. But when I load the mission file onto my actual server its still vanilla troops. No errors but just vanilla troops.

  10. 7 years ago

    Do the UNSUNG maps work with alive?

  11. Da Krong works I'm pretty sure.

  12. Edited 7 years ago by Opendome

    Are you running my alive compat mod? Da Krong works and I have an index for Khe Sanh

    I tried pushing it to the github but I have no idea wtf Im doing in there haha

  13. @Opendome take the X folder from your index, in its entirety, and post it on the Git in the indexing thread. One of the devs will push the index into ALiVE.


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