Command Support Tablet Problems

  1. 8 years ago

    So I'm having problems with the Support systems
    First the transports will land to then fly back up and usally wont land at base and just hover. Using RHS Chinook and RHS Venom
    Arty will not fire even though it says it will. Using default NATO Arty
    CAS support doesn't seem to acquire targets and engage it'll justs hover. Using both RHS Viper and LongBow

  2. Are you using any AI mods? Just got off my server and Transport and CAS were working fine for me (I landed successfully on a heli Transport, and successfully called in heli CAS strikes twice).

  3. Nope just using Ace, RHS and Alive

  4. Its on the Map Sahrani. Could that be it?

  5. Edited 8 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Not sure. Probably not a bad idea to try on a different map to see if it behaves any differently.

  6. 7 years ago

    ok thank you

  7. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Ah! Having an issue in my 3CB mission vs Project OPFOR on Takistan where 3CB transport choppers (all classnames) take orders, move to the location, and as soon as they get in position lowering their tail and leveling out to land for pickup, immediately start hovering up and up and up until the heli goes into outer space. :( Every time.

    Yikes. I don't use any AI mods either.


  8. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @HeroesandvillainsOS  Ah! Having an issue in my 3CB mission vs Project OPFOR on Takistan where 3CB transport choppers (all classnames) take orders, move to the location, and as soon as they get in position lowering their tail and leveling out to land for pickup, immediately start hovering up and up and up until the heli goes into outer space. :( Every time.

    Yikes. I don't use any AI mods either.


    Ok, just setup an ALiVE/CBA only mission on the same map (Takistan) and it seems to work ok. My guess is it's related to the newest round of 3CB updates, when using 3CB choppers (and/or possibly their resupply script) but I need to keep digging. My mission uses RHS/Project OPFOR too so I need to keep removing variables I guess until I figure out the cause.


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