ALiVE stuck on generating sector data

  1. 7 years ago

    It's been stuck on the generating sector data for a while and i did the step it said to in the wiki, are there any other steps i should be taking or am i missing something? Log files have no issue either. Not sure if it should be taking 2 hours though. The map I'm indexing is Kerama.

  2. not sure if it worked because i'm getting an error with data.kerama.sqf and an undefined variable in alive_factiondefaultairtransport on line 1792

  3. Friznit

    6 Jan 2018 Administrator

    When this happens with me it's usually one of two things I'm doing wrong: either I don't have the additional scripts in the mission folder or I've forgotten to turn filepatching on.

    Check the data file is closed off properly with a semicolon ;
    air transport thing is unrelated

  4. it looks like data.kerama.sqf just doesn't exist in the first place not sure if that's a bad index or not

  5. Friznit

    7 Jan 2018 Administrator

    Yeah that hasn't worked then. The static data file should be there.

  6. Edited 7 years ago by pathoz

    very strange. well the static data file is there but it's not named data.kerama it's kerama_staticData.sqf unless that is a different file. this is my x folder

  7. so i got it to work, i had to turn on all the things inside the launcher by each vs using the command line and i also named the mission index which i missed and it worked immediately, thanks for the help!


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