VCom and ALiVE

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  2. 7 years ago

    Have noticed several instances of the AI running away from contact IF you punch enough rounds down range to suppress them initially and then keep the rate of fire relatively high. However they tend to start calling in IDF and reinforcements a little quicker in those instances because they think you are a heavier group than them.

    I watched one of our small patrols do that in our ALiVE deployment (they were a 4 man patrol) and each person dumped probably 3-5 mags or 2-3 belts of RPK ammo with the intent of forcing the AI into suppression on my requests...they were then overwhelmed by the response they recieved about 5 minutes later from the AI.

  3. Has anyone else noticed that squad/team leaders for the AI now stay in place at the cycle point area instead of following the patrol route with their teams? I can't pin it down to VCOM but it seems that might be the culprit.

  4. Try this

    go to the directory VCOMAI\functions and delete VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarn.sqf
    rename VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarnOLD.sqf in VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarn.sqf

    that's from the VCOM thread on the BI forums. Hopefully it makes sense

  5. @JD_Wang Try this

    that's from the VCOM thread on the BI forums. Hopefully it makes sense

    I think that has to do more with the AI not responding to calls for help, though it may play into the waypoint problem. I myself haven't noticed any problems with the calls for help, but I have noticed the waypoint behavior - do they still use this behaviour after using that fix?

  6. I haven't noticed any issues since I did that fix, but to be fair I haven't done any extensive testing.

  7. Deleted 7 years ago by Mannulus
  8. A really big thing that is a game-breaker while using VCOM is that the OPCOM ignores all of the warning features that come from VCOM (hearing gunshots, vehicles, far off detection) and continues using stupid move and cycle waypoints in the objective. This results in other AI in the objective that aren't involved in combat to just not do anything. The group in combat doesn't use flanking maneuvers or anything, and they never get reinforced like VCOM should allow. Players end up having to seek out the remaining combatants to clear them completely out of the objective, which gets tiring. As virtualized reinforcements come in per the OPCOM's request, the same thing happens, they're just mindlessly stuck to their move waypoint. There is no cooperation, which VCOM should allow.

  9. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    I’d encourage you to reach out to Genesis. Aside from some edge cases (which included VCOM at one point because Genesis was actively talking with the ALiVE devs), ALiVE simply doesn’t have the manpower to ensure compatibility with outside mods.

  10. I'd love to get in touch with him. Any idea how that would happen? And are you suggesting that VCOM is no longer supported/compatible, or something on my mod list is messing it up? Appreciate the reply.

  11. Edited 7 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    @Carmine39 I'd love to get in touch with him. Any idea how that would happen? And are you suggesting that VCOM is no longer supported/compatible, or something on my mod list is messing it up? Appreciate the reply.

    I have no idea, I don’t use it. You made it sound like there was a problem. :) He has a VCOM thread on BI forums and Steam Workshop too I think.

    @AUTigerGrad uses it a lot though. Any opinions on what Carmine is seeing?

  12. Friznit

    18 Feb 2018 Administrator
    Edited 7 years ago by Friznit

    VCOM works fine with ALiVE. Since VCOM only applies to units typically within less than 1km, and the ALiVE spawn range is 1500m by default, VCOM kicks in after the units have spawned and carries on as normal.

    What's more likely happening is the ALiVE HC autobalancer breaking the unit KnowsAbout, which VCOM relies on for 'sharing' info on enemy units. Try turning it off and see if you have better luck with VCOM.

  13. How would I happen to do that? Also, I noticed when using custom objectives, there are units "on reserve", meaning that they don't have any move or cycle waypoints, and can respond to things like seeing units from away or hearing gunshots. Other than that, units that are in the obj. and have cycle and move waypoints don't respond really to anything, I can get close and they won't react to me or my fire. It's odd. No HC is being run.

  14. I use VCOM in just about every mission I run, with a HC on our server. From time to time, I'll notice enemy AI not being as "aware" as I would like, but's very few and far between. Not enough to be considered an issue. VCOM adds so much to the game it's hard to find fault with it. AI seem to be reacting very well on our server, and the enemy are definitely aggressive in sending QRF forces when engaged.

  15. I haven't touched ARMA for a couple of months now, but just after the new year I think it was I put together to completely vanilla mission on Altis and I struck the issue with VCOM calling in support choppers again. This despite using the same code in my initServer.sqf I always have to disable it.

    Has anyone else had this issue, or has something changed?

    It was the straw that broke the camel's back for me at the time. Sometimes it gets very weary fighting this game to make it do what you want it to.

  16. did you put it in the pilots' INIT?

  17. All I've ever had to do in the past was use the initServer.sqf with

    			If (!isNull (driver _x) ) then {
    					_x setVariable ["NOAI", true, false];
    				} foreach (units group (driver _x));
    		} Foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf "Helicopter"});
    ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler

    I actually fired up ARMA for the first time in months and played around with it and couldn't get it to happen again. (and that's part of the reason I don't play much anymore haha)

  18. @JD_Wang It was the straw that broke the camel's back for me at the time. Sometimes it gets very weary fighting this game to make it do what you want it to.

    I hear ya there!!

    The wiki link says this is needed.. perhaps the info is outdated?

    [{{Driver _x setvariable ["NOAI",true];} foreach (vehicles select {_x isKindOf 'air'});}, 1, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;
  19. So heads up folks....VCOM in its current state will ultimately wreck an ALIVE server after the server being up for 8-12 hours. By wreck I mean.... extremely long save times (or no save at all can be done) on server save and exit, extremely long spawn times for ALiVE units causing units to spawn in on top of players after several minutes, etc. I'm assuming this is due to some bad code that causes never ending loops and spam on the server.

    A VCOM user named MrLED has uploaded several fixes to VCOM's github but they have not been pushed yet to the main VCOM code. You can grab them off of github and replace the current version.

    I'm going to test to see if these new updates fix the VCOM issues. But I figured I'd let folks know who are running servers.

  20. @AUTigerGrad So heads up folks....VCOM in its current state will ultimately wreck an ALIVE server after the server being up for 8-12 hours. By wreck I mean.... extremely long save times (or no save at all can be done) on server save and exit, extremely long spawn times for ALiVE units causing units to spawn in on top of players after several minutes, etc. I'm assuming this is due to some bad code that causes never ending loops and spam on the server.

    A VCOM user named MrLED has uploaded several fixes to VCOM's github but they have not been pushed yet to the main VCOM code. You can grab them off of github and replace the current version.

    I'm going to test to see if these new updates fix the VCOM issues. But I figured I'd let folks know who are running servers.

    I confirm also. Long time to save. VCOM and ALiVE compatibility looks like a marriage... Moments of peace and moments of fights!

    Let's wait for future VCOM updates, it seems Genesis is working hard on the mod and is aware of the FSM Leaks and other bugs in VCOM.

  21. 6 years ago

    How exactly do you replace the existing vCOM files with the updated ones from the github? my vcom is packed into a pbo, do i need to replace and repack it all or is there a pbo avail?

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