Custom sounds/reports for events

  1. 7 years ago

    So, sometimes I feel pretty isolated and unaware of what’s going on in the grand scheme of things. My fireteam and I will be sitting on a hilltop bunker just watching and waiting for orders from the AI Commander.

    I can pull up the intel pad and and view what’s going on, but it sort of breaks immersion. What I’d like to find out is whether or not I can have reports come in to the player in the form of radio briefs with just the garbled radio comm sound. So I notice on the map when a battle is taking place I’ll see ‘Combat’ with an ‘!’ Mark. I’d really like if I could setup a radio message via script or trigger to the player saying ‘X has made contact with the enemy’ or for KIA markers ‘Casualties reported’ type things. In addition to those you might have reports for Occupied/Captured marks.

    Is there any way to have this happen? I knowhow to trigger it in normal missions, but unsure on ALiVE.


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