Complete index of Tembelan Island

  1. 7 years ago

    Hope this works! My indexing baptism by fire.

  2. Thank you. I’ll take a quick peek at the files to make sure all the arrays are closed properly and run a test mission. Assuming all goes well I can submit it for release. I’ll keep you posted.

  3. My AI commander has spawned aircraft at the main military airport with no exploding aircraft!

  4. It’s an Arma miracle :)

  5. Ben just released v1.2 of this map, and said there would not be anything else to be modified, and to reindex. I reindexed the map update he just released, everything seems to process just fine like before, but the civ and mil cluster sqf files are not processing anything at all. DeWrp works as should, it gives me an opportunity to index the building, and that sqf is generated just fine, but the new index is not working. Here is his changelog for v1.2
    Added Airfield Config to Tembelan International Airport.
    Added Airfield Config to Primary Run way of Selatan Military Airbase.
    Added some enclosed compounds to the Resort Airfield.
    Added some objects to the front of the resort hotel.
    Added some objects to the house compounds in Lapangan Futsal Industrial
    Tweaked Satmap and mask in various areas.
    Removed a few errant rocks and bushes that were on roadways.

    I tested my original index on the 1.2 update, and it still works flawlessly. Can we run with this index on the next ALiVE update?

  6. AFAIK no. Buildings being added will most likely impact the index from what I understand. This is why I personally have a rule that any map that’s getting regular updates isn’t worth the time indexing.

    That said, @highhead or @Tupolov would be in a much better position clarify.

  7. Edited 7 years ago by marceldev89

    Hmm not sure what is causing the issue but judging from the changelog it's probably fine. Airfield configs don't affect the index and the objects by the hotel and Lapangan Futsal Industrial are most likely clutter/not proper buildings.

    Ideally 1.2 gets a fresh index so if you're able to give it another try then please do (you can skip the building categorization thingy by following the last step at minus the bounds setting).

  8. Yeah but the “enclosed compounds” might be new buildings I’m thinking.

  9. Actually the object count in the indexer is the same as before. Will try one more time tonight. After that it will be a while as I will be on the road for a few weeks.

  10. 6 years ago
    Edited 6 years ago by Dpatt711

    I'm relatively new to AliVe and I just tried this index, it seems to work well except at the airport. It spawns HQs on the runways, and spawns Mi8s on fences (And they go boom). Is this an issue with my mods, or an issue with the index and v1.2?

  11. The map has been updated since this index was done. Therefore the index needs to be done again.

  12. @Dpatt711 I'm relatively new to AliVe and I just tried this index, it seems to work well except at the airport. It spawns HQs on the runways, and spawns Mi8s on fences (And they go boom). Is this an issue with my mods, or an issue with the index and v1.2?

    Many airports are not set up properly. From what I gather setting up an airport during map creation is not terribly easy. The creator of this map did say he was having some airport issues. I don't think the airport issues from various arma maps are due to alive. I have tested many airports on many different maps. Many times I have planes taxi to the end of the runway and then try to take off in the wrong direction and crash. When airports are not set up properly during map creation, I don't think Arma recognizes them as airports, and therefore Alive will place random stuff on the runways because it can't tell they are runways.

  13. Did this get applied to the last update by chance. The amount of buildings that could be indexed never changed in the upgrade.

  14. Doesn’t appear the index has been included in ALiVE. If you can verify it works fine, post the link again and tag Marceldev89.


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