
  1. 6 years ago

    Please, help me
    Can anyone explaine me step by step where to find aliveserver, how to enable it (you know, like with other mods you have to put key into keys folder) and basically everything from the beginning to the end?
    I'm trying for 10h to set up persistent Ravage server to play with my friends, I know how to launch a dedicated server but TADST don't "see" @aliveserver (which I've downloaded from Alive web site, along with @Alive)

  2. Edited 6 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    If it’s not included in the main DL on our official site, try making an account on our War Room. Follow the server setup instructions, and there you should see a DL link to the server file:

  3. Edited 6 years ago by YonV

    What I use, is mostly for the steam mod updating.
    You can select mods with both armaremoteadmin and tadst but you need to add the server mods.

    In TADST you need to add -server mod=@aliveserver; to the extra parameters

    or add -servermod=@aliveserver; to your parameters.

  4. Edited 6 years ago by Primo

    how to add that server mod with TADST? I'm really out of ANY ideas on how to do anything. My brain basically just melted down. Sorry for being such an idiot but ummm, I'm tired
    I'd be really happy if you'd send me a direct link to server setup instructions because I don't see anything like that in War Room

  5. Quick question
    Am I supposed to firts create server on War Room or host my dedicated server and then create one on War Room

  6. Edited 6 years ago by YonV

    I've always created the dedicated server first, it will run without a war room connection.


    or just with a cmd line , here is an example

     -ip= -port=2302 "-config=C:\arma\TADST\GhostB\TADST_config.cfg"  "-cfg=C:\arma\TADST\GhostB\TADST_basic.cfg" "-bepath=C:\arma\battleye" "-servermod=@aliveserver;" "-profiles=C:\arma\TADST\GhostB"  -noTexHeaders -name=GhostB_Pub -enableHT -filePatching -LoadMissionToMemory "-mod=;"
  7. 5 years ago
    Edited 5 years ago by Primo

    Ok thanks, one more thing.
    Do I need ALiVE mod? I've read that some ppl don't use it and some do. I won't be using any of ALiVE features, just need server persistency

  8. @aliveserver doesn't do anything by itself. It's just the dll ALiVE uses to communicate with War Room. Also not quite sure what kind of persistency you're looking for, I don't think we have anything that's not ALiVE specific besides AAR.

  9. Thanks for your help.
    I'll try to handle it and hopefully it'll be ok. If anything goes shitty I'm gonna let you know about it

  10. Another, and hopefully last one, quick question.
    Do my friends need @ALiVE or just me?

  11. Anyone playing on the server will need all the mods loaded, the exception is server mods (-server mod=), they only need to be on the server.

  12. I think you’re gonna be extremely disappointed trying to use ALiVE for mission persistence without using ALiVE modules and features. The persistence offered here is almost entirely based on ALiVE scripts from what I understand.

  13. Edited 5 years ago by aah11b

    What I want to know is where in heck did everybody learn all of this. Coding? Servers? Does everyone have college degrees in computer science or something? Or did you learn this in your free time? If so, where? It seems like the whole world knows how to do things like this. I am 49 and have been on computers since the early 80s, and I know none of this. I can't even figure out why I can no longer get into a King of the Hill game. It has been 4 months and I am no closer now.

  14. My secret was to break the server right before ops, and have the hole clan on team speak going is it fixed yet ?

  15. @aah11b - take it from a 46 year old who didn't know anything other than basic coding 10 years ago - join an Arma group and get in with their mission maker(s)... usually groups will gladly help out others willing to take the time and effort to create missions. They will also help you troubleshoot game issues.

    Avoid the heavy milsim groups they can be a bit much.

    Arma is a far cry from Leisure Suit Larry on the Apple II+ :)

  16. Edited 5 years ago by aah11b

    Leisure Suit Larry. LMAO. I haven't heard that name in years.

    Yeah, I keep trying to find a milsim unit. They seem too much or not enough seriousness.


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