Server save and exit

  1. 9 years ago


    So after spending a few hours googling and reading, and fixing nothing, for some reason when-ever an admin on our server presses "Server Save and Exit", the con-tab that pops up shows
    "ALiVE Persistence - Saving Data - Please Wait"

    Not so sure why... I've kept that open for about 8 hours now and still stuck there....
    *PS this was working less than a week ago.*

    RPT Log:
    Alive Log:

  2. Tupolov

    15 Jul 2015 Administrator

    Please turn on the data module debug and paste the whole RPT.



  4. Tupolov

    17 Jul 2015 Administrator

    only half the RPT posted? need the whole thing

  5. Sorry about that pastelimit.

  6. Any info?

  7. Tup's out of town atm so his response might be a bit slow :)

  8. Alright thank you ;)

  9. Any update on this? I'm having the same issue, have waited over an hour and nothing. Previously worked

  10. -well dont know if this helps, but in my case it was a player with an unusual character in his name (ΓΌ), might be something like that..

  11. unless an underscore _ is considered a special character, I just checked logs, noone is on with one.

  12. Tupolov

    25 Aug 2015 Administrator

    Sorry for the long delay - summer hols and all.

    This is very strange. It appears to launch the save process and then just stop.

    Only time i've seen this is if something like OPCOM fails to have any groups or objectives etc. Is it possible your mission is set to save OPCOM but no OPCOM groups exist?

    ah found it I think

    2015/07/17,  6:18:16 There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["caf_ag_me_t"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!
  13. highhead

    26 Aug 2015 Administrator


    Does the mission work when running in SP?
    Does the mission work when running it non persistent?

    Is it happening only when re-loading from DB?

  14. Edited 9 years ago by DaVidoSS

    Hi. Can someone please say me why i cant see any mission progress on the warroom site?
    There are empty map only.



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