RHS units spawn with vanilla supply boxes when used by ALiVE Military Placement modules

  1. 9 years ago

    Question: How can I make both the ALiVE military placement modules for the military objectives and the civilian objectives to spawn supplies matching the faction the module is configured to spawn?

    Guess: It might be possible that's just not a bug, but has simply not yet been coded.. and known well already by other mission makers. By that I mean either not yet implemented within the ALiVE modules themselves, or into the glue between the RHS factions, which I've learnt to be setup against the standards set by BI, and ALiVE itself.

    Observation: I recreated a mission similar to the Operation Landlord demo mission using RHS factions rhs_faction_usmc_d, rhs_faction_usarmy_d, rhs_faction_vdv, rhs_faction_msv and rhs_faction_insurgents (the latter I use in the CQB module). Once I activate the spawning of supplies in the military placement modules of ALiVE, the respective factions get boxes containing vanilla NATO/OPF/... supplies instead of supply boxes matching their faction.

    It would be sufficient for me to know others ran into this, as well.

    Regarding a quick fix, I'm not afraid of text editors, the Arma 3 editor, initialization fields, etc. so that's welcome. However, intensive internet search and searching inside this forum didn't bring me any result with regard to this "spawn supplies" for non-vanilla factions with the placement modules of ALiVE. Any pointers to that are greatly welcome. I'm sure that others must have noticed this.

    Big thank you to the developers and especially for the videos and example missions! I've been intensively playing with ALiVE in the recent days and had a lot of fun with it already. Even when watching some of the videos, which are outdated with regard to ALiVE component names, the amount of work that must have gone into the ALiVE modules become apparent to me. Impressive! Please keep up this good work!

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    Probably just hasn't been defined yet (or maybe incorrectly if so), in which case all it needs to be done is a list of supply boxes for each side and then throw them into the staticData file.

    Could also be rigged user-side with a staticData overwrite for a quick temp fix. Will look more into providing a quick solution later today.

  3. Alright, thank you very much, SpyderBlack for your reply. Right now I'm feeling a bit of a headache thinking of the extra work which the RHS' nonstandardness might already have created for you in the past when making it work with ALiVE.

    Additionally, this staticData hint gives me a keyword to extend my search and learning on. So far I've only used the vanilla editor, ZEUS and some prefab scripts.. never edited Arma 3 files myself, except for description.ext. I guess it's time to learn it now.. thanks for that, too!

    Right now, my vacation is over, work starts again on Monday - so it will take me a bit of time to test any suggestions on this. I'll check back here and I've activated the e-mail notification, in order to give feedback on any suggestions. Take your time..

  4. Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723


    In the root of your mission folder either create an init.sqf or add this to it if it already exists

    call compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers "staticData.sqf");

    Now, in the root of your mission folder, create a file called staticData.sqf
    Inside that file put

    waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
    //-- Set Russian Supply Boxes
    	[ALIVE_factionDefaultSupplies, _x, ["rhs_weapons_crate_ak_ammo_545x39_standard","rhs_weapons_crate_ak_standard"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    } forEach ["rhs_faction_msv","rhs_faction_vdv"];
    //-- Set US Supply Boxes
    	[ALIVE_factionDefaultSupplies, _x, ["rhsusf_ammo_crate","rhsusf_weapons_crate"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
    } forEach ["rhs_faction_usarmy_wd","rhs_faction_usarmy_d","rhs_faction_usmc_wd","rhs_faction_usmc_d"];

    This will make each faction use their sides' ammoboxes. Keep in mind RHS has not made standard US supply boxes so they use the virtual arsenal ones.... nothing I can do about that unless they add some in.

  5. Okay, that is what I see them using.

    ".. nothing I can do about that unless they [RHS maintainers] add some in."

    Thanks for the good work!

  6. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Quick question. I'm using 3CB units which use 5.56 and 7.62 ammo. Both of which are not organically in any default ammobox aside from 5.56 tracers (and only in AAF boxes).

    How would the file abject look if I just wanted to use vanilla ammo crates, but have these two ammo classnames included?

    UK3CB_BAF_30Rnd; UK3CB_BAF_20Rnd;

    Would the script posted here if added it to my current staticdata.sqf file for custom logistics interfere with eachother in any way? I'm already using a variation of the staticdata.sqf file found here:



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