After update I have problems with the server crash after playing 20 minutes, someone with the same problem?
After update I have problems with the server crash after playing 20 minutes, someone with the same problem?
The only crash I've had since the update was when I was previewing a mission in the editor. Played on my server last night for over an hour and everything was fine.
Hey I got the same issue it seems that even the box is unavail then. Time is undefined happens random for me after some time in the field. Server is up and running with 50fps and ~1400mb ram usage and peaks to 380kbps out and 100kbps in and all of a sudden FUBAR with 0 FPS but no player Desync shown on Player menu.
Any Fixes in sight for that or Ideas
Kind Regards
I don't think they can really even begin to fix anything without your logs.
After the crash server received the following error message as pictured in the link
We've had issues with desync and crashes on 2 separate dedi servers. I don't know if its an ALiVE issue, an Arma 1.54 issue or what but its definitely be noticeable.
Please provide server RPT file (post to pastebin and link back here) and alive_datestamp.log (found in @aliveserver) if you are using persistence.
@capsoso - your dedicated server - how much RAM does it have assigned? Do you use the maxmem param in your server config? Also how many AI profiles (groups) does your mission use approx?
@capsoso - your dedicated server - how much RAM does it have assigned? Do you use the [i maxmem[/i] param in your server config? Also how many AI profiles (groups) does your mission use approx?
CPU Xeon 1223v3
Memory 32GB
Windows Server 2012
I have used the same mission over three months now only presents problems
ok thanks.. do you have -maxmem set to less than 2048MB? can you post your server log? does this error appear when you are saving the mission or just durning regular play?
Arma 3 Log
Alive Plugin log
This error occurs after a period of 20 to 30 minutes of the start of the mission
Sorry for the bad english I use google translator, I am Brazilian
Thanks for the logs.
The crashing might be due to the 1.54 update... BIS is asking for crash reports on the forums / chat channels so I'm guessing that others are experiencing this problem since 1.54
edit: that RPT looks like it's from a Headless Client? Do you have the server's RPT file as well?
I have only the RPT sent in the previous post and find out statistics
AddInitAndRemove Overridden statistics ... all messages = 2983
485 ... Type_10
21 ... Type_27
313 ... Type_49
75 ... Type_50
54 ... Type_52
41 ... Type_53
407 ... Type_57
119 ... Type_58
212 ... Type_63
2 ... Type_170
1 ... Type_174
2 ... Type_231
9 ... Type_254
1030 ... Type_272
66 ... Type_273
35 ... Type_275
1 ... Type_276
99 ... Type_277
4 ... Type_305
4 ... Type_335
1 ... Type_340
2 ... Type_373
Hey, I believe you're suffering from a memory leak
Here is a note from Dwarden from Discord
anyone here with crashes of 1.54.133596 (hotfix) server ? or observing memory leaks ?
please PM me with downloads of the archives with those etc. if possible
if you reported those in A3FT then just send me URL to it
If you have Discord and are in the Arma 3 group, pm your logs to him, otherwise open a feedback tracker ticket and provide all necessary information there.
thank you very much for your attention, I am using this mission persistently a few months without problems and it appeared after upgrade
I had an immediate issue upon server/mission start tonight. In less than a minute of starting the mission, the red chain link appeared on the screen and connections was lost for nearly a minute before I just aborted. Bare in mind, the issue could easily be on me (been mission editing) but I figured I'd share. This has never happened to me before.
EDIT: My issue must be something different because it immediately happened when I started the mission again. I timed out this time with "connection with the host has been lost." What's odd is I get the message that my profile has successfully been load from ALiVE's site. Then I immediately lose connection.
I'll try a different mission next but I really like this mission and would love to know what the problem is.
EDIT2: A different mission played fine. Could someone look at the rpt and let me know if they have any idea what specifically could cause a particular mission to desync like that? The missions are nearly identical so I really have no clue where the mix-up could be.
That file is the alive log - do you also have the RPT?
Is that another string of text located in Aliveserver? Or is that the one I couldn't find before located in appdata? :)
Or from my server itself? I use TADST. If you want the server RPT, generally speaking, where would that be located?
Usually with a dedicated server the RPT is in the root of the A3 directory on the server with a filename like arma_datestamp.rpt
If it's not there it should be in \appData\Roaming\Arma 3
Various communities with the same problem..
Yes it seems to be affecting lots of people... be sure to send your crash reports to BIS
Is this still on-going? My community is having random crashes as well.
Apparently yes.. you can try the latest binaries (arma3server.exe) from Dwarden - check the BIS forums. Can't say whether or not it will fix the problem but might be worth a try. My only other suggestion would be to minimize your modset - fewer mods seem to mean less crashing.
Latest binary:
Damn, and I just finally got v15 up on my server. It seemed to be working for me though, so I'll hold off a bit before seeing if my hosts will put up the v16 for me.
Newest binaries according to Dwarden could contain massive improvements so it's possible they'll fix it.
I wonder if they will roll that into the next release or keep it as part of his Perf EXE's?
I think I'll work on testing v15 a few more days before pestering my Host to install the v16 binaries and dll.
They'll use any stable improvements in the next release