Off-map / in-air CAS

  1. 9 years ago

    Hi all, happy new year!

    I'm trying to set up a scenario along the lines of the SF JTACs embedded with Kurds calling in targets in Iraq. Obviously in that scenario, the planes being called in are not local to the AO, having flown in from the Med or UK. To top that off, in the maps I'm using, I won't have access to a runway to have planes take off from. So, my question is, is there a way to have Combat Support aircraft spawn from an off-map location, complete the mission, then return / refuel / rearm, ready for another strike within the Combat Support framework? I've tried placing an aircraft manually in the editor set to fly with all the CS stuff in the unit's init but with no success. There are scripts elsewhere that do a similar thing but I was just wondering if there's a way to do it within Alive.

    Thanks again for the incredible mod! And the help!

  2. You can use the vanilla CAS modules to create simulated airstrikes. Meaning the aircraft will simply spawn fly in and do it's job and leave. You will have to add some scripting to create a more delay if you wish.

    The only other way I can think of to do this in AliVe. Is you can place CAS choppers outside of the map. Possibly even fixed winged if you find a open enough flat area that isn't to far out of the boundary.

  3. Thanks silentghoust, looked into both options and neither worked perfectly but ended up finding a JTAC module which is awesome and works really well. For anyone else after the same thing, it's called the Advanced JTAC Tab module and it's on Armaholic .


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