Nitrado Persistence (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago

    Grabbed a Nitrado server to have as a side/test server for ALIVE and persistence. I keep getting the RPT error that I'm not authorized to access the warroom so it cuts the database module off and that's that.

    I've tried the method of getting my server_console_log and getting the IP from there, but the only other IP continues to fail in this regard too.

    I'd really love to see this cleared up so my group can enjoy in some persistence!

  2. We've had this problem with Nitrado before. You'll need to contact their support and find out what your server's public-facing IP address is and use that in your War Room profile.

  3. Roger that. Support contacted. Thanks for the speedy reply! You guys are faster at help than the people getting paid for such, haha.

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Well, now they are saying that there isn't another IP address they can give me.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Can you post the following info:

    • server RPT file
    • server alive log (found in @aliveserver folder)

    (for these post them to and link back here)

    - your War Room group name and your player name

  6. plugin 1


    I believe those are correct.

    My player name is Obi
    War-room group is Arma3pro

    I am also still having the issue where its not tracking my data (we have two servers, on one persistence works just fine)

  7. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    I am also still having the issue where its not tracking my data (we have two servers, on one persistence works just fine)

    Thanks will try and get a dev's attention on this.

    Can you explain your last sentence? You have 2 A3 servers running ALiVE, both are setup for persistence and persistence only works on the one server?

    edit: HOLY MODS BATMAN!!

    Ok a few things:

    • do not load 'client-side' mods onto your server (just the .bikey file if you are doing sig checks) - @DynaSound, @BC-Phoenix, @sthud_a3 are the 3 I noticed in your startup line
    • remove all mods except ones required for your mission and re-run your test (ie: get rid of all the other terrains for one)
    • remove your custom mod (I assume @cnto_stamina is yours)
    • try to load your mods in this order:

    1 - CBA_A3 always first
    2 - full conversion mods (ACE, ALiVE, RHS)
    3 - non-content mods (TPWCAS, ASR_AI3)
    4 - content mods (Weapons, terrains, units, etc)

  8. Yes, you heard it correctly. One server is not with Nitrado and the persistence works fine on it, but the other (with Nitrado) does not.

    I'll adjust things and give another go.

  9. Tupolov

    24 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov

    I'll check the web server for your IP

  10. 8 years ago


    25 Mar 2016 Administrator

    @CNTObi These are the IP's I have for your servers: - From your attempt on 27th/28th Jan - Attempt on 30th Jan Attempt on 31st Jan


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