Logistics problem - units being destroyed while enroute

  1. 9 years ago

    I've been working on a mission in Takistan, and every time I try to call in any type of logistic requests, the units are said to be loaded up and en route, then it says they have been destroyed while en route, every single time. I'm using RHS factions (USMC(D) and USARMY(D)) as blufor and CFG aggressors middle eastern faction as the insurgent opfor. I've tested the logistics with the standard NATO blufor and it seemed to work fine, but with a little investigation using Zeus, it seems as if its spawning in the requested units but the helicopter will spawn in the sky before the crew, resulting in the helicopter crashing or a helicopter unit won't spawn at all. I've tried adjusting TOAR markers to cover a smaller portion of the map so it wouldn't spawn somewhere crazy and it resulted in longer request times, but the same end result of the units being destroyed. I'm using the following mods:

    JSRS: Dragonfyre Lite
    RYD Liability insurance
    C2 Command and Control
    AllinArma terrain pack lite

  2. Edited 9 years ago by SavageCDN

    Thanks for the report - if you have the RPT file from that session (or can re-create it) can you post it to pastebin and link back here?

    Just to clear up - it works fine with vanilla (BLU_F) units but if you use that RHS faction the chopper spawns in the sky or doesn't spawn at all?

    edit: can you test without RYD liability insurance mod?

  3. I've had weird stuff like that happen with RHS US_army_d also on Takistan.
    My Aircrew forces would spawn in just like that, heli crew outside the chopper. They would spawn on the ground and the chopper would fall from the sky.

    It wasn't consistent though. Some would come in fine, some would fall from the sky.
    I have something else running on the server right now that seems stable, but if I bring it down I'll see about trying to replicate the issue above for you.

  4. I'm currently using my phone and my internets out right now so I'll see what I can do about the rpt, but no promises! And I just made a session with only BLU_F units and it was working fine up until I reached mid map, and I called for a heli drop of troops to reinforce a town i secured, and it happened with them as well. I'll remove RYD liability insurance and test it out, I'll report back with results. Thank you guys for the response!

  5. Edited 9 years ago by dev614

    Update: Removing RYD liability insurance hasn't seemed to do anything. I tried using logistics on a new insurgency mission in Zargabad with the same results as well. Though I did try to call in a convoy request with reinforcements and it took forever (I didn't wait for it to finish) but it didn't destroy the units. I'll try the convoy again and wait it out, see if the problem is just with helicopter insertion. I've yet to try air drop, so I'll experiment with that as well.

    EDIT: Convoy yields the same results, the units get destroyed while enroute. However, the air drop seemed to work how it should besides one big factor... it doesn't actually drop anything. The request gets processed and it goes through the motions in the normal amount of time it should, but nothing came parachuting down by the time it was completed.


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