Losing control of grouped AI after respawn (new bug) (SOLVED)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Just wanted to pass along a new issue. Grouped AI teammates no longer stay under squad leader control after dying and respawning. The Fkey icons for the AI players disappear after the squad leader dies. Here is a report using only ALiVE 1.0 and CBA 2.3.1.


    And the mission (Operation Landlord . Simplified for testing purposes): https://www.dropbox.com/s/3bywo9gxax37qya/Operation%2520Landlord%2520%257c%2520ALiVE%2520.Altis.pbo?dl=0

    For those of you curious, I haven't properly played a mission since EDEN. This also corresponded with CBA and ALiVE previously getting updates so I can't say what the culprit is. What I can say is that before these updates, grouped AI's always stayed under squad leader control upon player (squad leader) death. I noticed the issue yesterday in one of my heavily modded missions and decided to see if I could repro with just ALiVE and CBA.

    To replicate, start a mission with ALiVE and CBA. Place a respawn_west marker on the map in the editor, ensuring you have respawn = 3; and some kind of respawndelay defined in a description.ext. Group some AI to you. Start the mission in MP. Kill yourself. Notice how the grouped AI are no longer under your control when you respawn.

  2. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    And wouldn't you know it I just died and had full control over my AI after respawning. Blew myself up after that to test and it was working. Full control of AI. Did it again and still fine. Strange! Seems something may be causing this to sometimes work right and sometimes break.

    Just a theory but I wonder if some totally normal method of dying is confusing the game into thinking there was friendly fire and thus removing our squad leading privileges when it shouldn't? This is very odd.

    EDIT: And I just did the whole thing again by restarting the mission and server and lost control of the AI after blowing myself up at mission start. I respawned and the Fkeys were gone again.

    If it matters, yesterday I lost control after dying by accidently being too close to a satchel charge I set. Tonight it was from being shot down in a chopper.

  3. I've witnessed once or twice this happen what HeroesandvillainsOS is reporting but lately it's been more that, when I die, the AI squad stays in my control (I can still see the squad roster on the bottom of the screen) but all the communication between the squad members and me disappear (meaning the texts on the bottom-left of the screen). And after that I can only hear what the squad members are saying in the radio or when in close vicinity. And that's easy-to-understand what they're saying when you're playing as CSAT :)

  4. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Yeah. I've got not idea what's going on with this. Maquez is telling me this is related to a "points" system BIS put in place like a year ago but this issue hasn't started happening to me until EDEN/ALiVE 1.0/CBA 2.3.1

    I started a thread about it on BIS and apparently no one cares.

    I haven't seen your specific issue but I also play with enableSentences false; because I can't take the constant "I'm out of ammo" spam.

  5. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    @Asmodeus when I die, the AI squad stays in my control (I can still see the squad roster on the bottom of the screen) but all the communication between the squad members and me disappear (meaning the texts on the bottom-left of the screen).

    Apparently updating to the latest CBA version rid the problem with the disappearing communication text.

  6. Update: Old_Painless over on BIS suggested I make sure I out rank my AI teammates. I haven't tested it too much but haven't had the issue since making the change.

  7. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    Past two evenings testing on my mission and this has been working as expected (groups stay under control) after respawning.

    But now there's another dilemma:

    when I disconnect from the dedicated server that has the mission running and connect back everything else is a'ok (like player location, inventory, even the AI squad is there right next to where I spawn) but then:

    -I find myself in a completely different slot than the number 1. (yesterday with two tests on first occasion I was number 2 and on another number 9, so even the slot you get assigned is completely random)

    The group was still under my control but you can take a guess how the group's formation gets completely messed up when you're commanding "from the rear" such as slot 9, the AI members of the group go running in front of you when you order them into line formation.

    edit: when connecting back this happens even if I have a higher rank than the AI teammates.

  8. Hmmm. I haven't tried continuing a mission since it was confirmed that persistence isn't really working in some circumstances. If this is happening it is a pretty big deal.

    Question. Can you set up a quick sample mission with vanilla (ALiVE/CBA/Aliveserver only) and see if you can duplicate it? If so, could you share the rpt file?

  9. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    I did set up a sample mission as per your request. I was unable to duplicate this exact behavior

    @Asmodeus when I disconnect from the dedicated server that has the mission running and connect back everything else is a'ok (like player location, inventory, even the AI squad is there right next to where I spawn)

    with the new mission.

    Also currently I'm unable to duplicate that behavior in the mission that made me come here and report my findings in the first place. IMO nothing was changed between then and now in the mission but I can't seem to anymore spawn back there where I was when disconnecting from the mission.

    And since that "change": after disconnecting from the game and then coming back

    • the AI is still at that place where I was when disconnecting
    • the AI is still under my command
    • I still have the slot 1.

    Only thing is that now I'm spawning from the initial (start of the mission) spawn instead of where I was when disconnecting.

  10. Is changing your spawn position the only thing that changed or were there other mods and stuff when you were having issues?

  11. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    Lucky me I had stashed _only one_ copy of my mission in its earlier state which also happened to be the one that has this "player location saving" in working order. So I finally got to test with the sample mission I created earlier using only mods @CBA, @ALiVE, @Aliveserver.

    So to bust a few myths:

    • this "player location saving" is only happening because (at least) in the new 3D editor there's readily available a switch called Enable AI which substitutes AI in the place of a human player when the player disconnects from the server.
    • using this Enable AI option allows a player to connect back to the server that HAS NOT been shutdown/restarted during his/hers absence and "continue where he/she left"
    • using this option is also the most probable reason that messes up with the group's assigned slots and assigns the again joining player whichever slot the game "sees fit"

    There's nothing to see in the RPT log at the time of disconnecting/logging back in:

    20:55:52 Player Asmodeus disconnected.
    20:55:52 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Asmodeus disconnected
    20:55:57 Asmodeus uses modified data file
    20:55:57 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Asmodeus (**.***.**.*:2304) connected
    20:55:57 Player Asmodeus connecting.
    20:55:58 BattlEye Server: Player #0 Asmodeus - GUID: xxxxxx (unverified)
    20:55:59 Player Asmodeus connected (id=xxxxx).
    20:55:59 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (xxxxxxxx) of player #0 Asmodeus
    soldier[O_Soldier_GL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    soldier[O_Soldier_SL_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    soldier[O_Soldier_AR_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?
    soldier[O_HeavyGunner_F]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?

    So all in all what I experienced wasn't "true persistence". And come to think of ALiVE's persistence, as far as how I've come to understand it's a functionality that allows for the server to be shutdown and the mission state be saved so that when going back online some time later it's possible for the players to continue where they left. I'm more looking for a 'persistence' with ALiVE for a continuously online server, is ALiVE supposed to handle that scenario as well?

  12. Like a function to "freeze the mission" when no players are actively playing? Yeah, I know I've read about that on here before. I don't know this myself because I always shut my server down when I'm done for the night. Try a search to see if you can find the answer. If you have no luck, I'll remove the "solved" part of the thread title so your question gets a more attention.

    Regarding the Enable AI option. I haven't seen that yet. So the "correct" way if I want no problems is to leave that option turned off, right? If you don't mind, where would I find that?

    By double clicking the unit in the 3D editor and making sure Enable AI is unchecked?

  13. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Regarding the Enable AI option. I haven't seen that yet. So the "correct" way if I want no problems is to leave that option turned off, right? If you don't mind, where would I find that?

    By double clicking the unit in the 3D editor and making sure Enable AI is unchecked?

    Just to give a quick answer to this one (will probably get to other stuff come tomorrow):

    go to 3D editor. (from the top row) select Attributes -> Multiplayer and under "Lobby" tab there is the Enable AI. Hover over to read the hint text.

  14. @HeroesandvillainsOS  Like a function to "freeze the mission" when no players are actively playing?

    I'm thinking more of a feature for a continuously online dedicated server that saves player/group position (and other stuff like gear) at the time of disconnect. Maybe ALiVE persistence already handles that but if the case is that persistence isn't really working at the moment..

    Also what comes to that "freeze the mission": ALiVE (required) module has "Auto Pause" feature already available.
    Helper text tells: "Auto pauses modules like vAIs, vAI Commander, CQB, ambCIVs if no players are on server". So that's good for a continuously online dedicated server but I at least don't have the slightest idea how you confirm that the feature is working as advertised :P

  15. Auto pausing is working as intended atm :)

  16. http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Script_Snippets

    There is a section for pausing modules.

  17. @SavageCDN http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Script_Snippets

    There is a section for pausing modules.

    Ok, thanks but.. shouldn't the Auto Pause in the "ALiVE (required) module" handle pausing everything already?

  18. Yes, but you can also pause individual modules using that snippet.

  19. @SpyderBlack723 Yes, but you can also pause individual modules using that snippet.

    True true!


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