[Bug] All parameters not logged to War Room? (Fixed in Dev)

  1. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by KeyCat

    Nice to see you reach this important milestone and thanks for your hard work and dedication!

    Tried to set up a new server (this was a few days ago so it was A3 1.54) but have some issues I hope someone can shed some light over. I test with the ALiVE Quick start mission on Stratis and I can see messages in the Battle Feed like kills, KIA and disconnects. Also see the the welcome message on the load screen as well as the profile screen on the map.

    Problem is that it only seem to log only a few parameters to the database but doesn't record shots and others. Nor does it update the weapon stats at bottom of the War Room stat page and the AAR map is completely blank? Should I reset stats from my old test many moons ago and if so how do I do that?

    Another thing I noticed is that I can only load the ALiVE Quick start mission on Stratis if I try to load the Altis demo included A3 hangs on load screen.

    Any help appreciated.

    PS: Name registered are KeyCat and group name is CiC if it helps...


  2. Edited 9 years ago by Asmodeus

    Hey. I try my best not to hijack this thread too much but I'm observing the same behaviour with the War Room. I seem to have gotten an AAR out of the tests I made yesterday with Operation Landlord. But other than that and the records in Your Stats -section that only show 2 operations conducted, 3 critical injuries / deaths, Mounted Weapon Kills: 1 (I don't remember killing anyone and certainly not with a mounted weapon) and everything else is not recorded just like KeyCat is saying. Well, there is in Your Group -section three records under Most Recent Operations and the date is saying "2 days ago" when in reality it was yesterday.

    Also the War Room frontpage has been showing me the same data in Recent operations and Live event feed already for two days..

    HEY! I just figured out something (lol). Is the War Room built on Java or Flash or what? I'm just seeing a grey background on the frontpage but shouldn't there be map of the world? Do I need to update my/install a new plugin [something]??? EDIT: Installing the latest Java did not help.
    This is what I'm seeing every time:

  3. Edited 9 years ago by KeyCat

    Are you using any adblocker etc? I experienced the same until I disabled adblocker for the site.


  4. KeyCat, I'm not using any ad-blockers. I also just now went through Firefox (44.0.2) settings to check if there would be something that could prevent War Room from working as it should. Changing few settings I thought that could help didn't do much to cure the situation.

  5. Friznit

    19 Feb 2016 Administrator

    Looks like it's derped again. Paging the Tupolov.

  6. Does it mean that the DB needs to be cleared? Not a problem just curious...


  7. There have been some War Room issues recently... don't think DB needs to be cleared however it will be pruned on a regular basis (ie: >6 months deleted)

  8. Any news regarding this issue?


  9. The DB dev is traveling for work so he's a bit unreachable.. .I'll poke him when he's back to take a look at the issue.

  10. 8 years ago



  11. Tupolov

    14 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Should all work fine. Stats do take maybe a few hours to update, you can check to see if the events recorded by going to your player profile page and checking the live feed. If using ACE, we are aware that kills don't register due to their handling of the killed event handler.

  12. Thanks Tupolov, will do a new test. Not using ACE ATM.


  13. Marking this solved for now KC - post back if that is not the case.

  14. Edited 8 years ago by hmarcbower

    Any thoughts on when or if the War Room and ACE will play nicely together?

    EDIT: Found the answer, sort of, after reading through the forums. :)

  15. Deleted 8 years ago by Theopolus
  16. Friznit

    30 Mar 2016 Administrator

    ACE aren't going to change it, so we're shit outta luck!

  17. Edited 8 years ago by KeyCat

    Unfortunately it's still the same problem. Battle Feed works just fine and so does map AAR but things like the Weapon Experience, etc are still frozen since my first test years ago!?

    Also noted that if I try to check personnel stats list from the menu at the top it just says "Loading" and nothing happens.

    Are there any way for me to clear all my old data and start from fresh.

    Here are the server logs from my tests...


    PS: Tested with latest version on another demo mission (Operation Landlord re-saved in editor)...


  18. Deleted 8 years ago by Tupolov
  19. Deleted 8 years ago by Tupolov
  20. Tupolov

    30 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Tupolov



    Looks like battlefeed is working - its just shots fired that are not registering.

  21. Newer ›

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