1.0.2 Released!

  1. 9 years ago


    25 Mar 2016 Administrator


  2. You beautiful bastards. Thank you.

  3. Edited 9 years ago by HeroesandvillainsOS

    Oh! So I noticed when setting up my new computer yesterday that Steam Workshop does not include the @aliveserver folder. If it does I can't find it.

    Is War Room still the recommended/only place to get it and does it always get updated when @alive does?

    I downloaded it from War Room yesterday. Do I need to get it again?

  4. Tupolov

    25 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 9 years ago by Tupolov

    1.0.0 @AliveServer is fine for this release - but yes grab it from War Room

    Steam will be updated in the next 4 hours

  5. 8 years ago

    Thumbs up! About to check it out and see how things are working.

  6. Edited 8 years ago by ski2060

    Getting an issue with generated tasks not spawning any associated objects/units. The task will spawn on the map, but OpFor and the item associated (like a cache) aren't there.
    I'm going to replace modules and see if that fixes the issue.

    I assume C2/ISTAR is the Task spawning module?

    Gah. I think I might have found the problem. Can I have more than one faction in the Auto-task BLU enemy faction? That might have borked it. Going to change it to the main faction on the map.

    But just in case it's a module problem going to replace module anyway.

  7. Will I need to replace modules after updating or will just updating the mod files be enough?

  8. @PillowTalk Will I need to replace modules after updating or will just updating the mod files be enough?

    I didn't notice anything not working after the update. So far so good.

  9. Congratulations on the release! Just wondering though if anyone is getting issues with module loading and persistence since updating to the latest CBA? I've tried using a completely new mission based on the latest build but no progress so far... anybody else? No RPTs to hand unfortunately but can try in the next few days.

  10. Tupolov

    27 Mar 2016 Administrator

    Nope, we've tested with latest CBA without any issues.

  11. On PwS soon, I hope?

  12. This is the version up on Steam, correct? The readme from that version is showing as 1.01xxx still. Just making sure because Armaholic just posted up a link for 1.02xx and I don't want to replace anything I don't have to right now.

  13. Friznit

    31 Mar 2016 Administrator
    Edited 8 years ago by Friznit

    Steam version is the latest yes. Probably just forgot to change the number in the readme. Fixed!

  14. Thanks!

  15. Do you plan to update ALiVE on BI forums, armaholic and playwithsix?

  16. Armaholic updated today I think.

  17. Friznit

    31 Mar 2016 Administrator

    We don't update them! It's up to their respective owners. It's updated on BI Forums, cos that's where we always release first...

  18. I believe mod updates on PwS are initiated by the publishers now, no? From the PwS account linked to the content?


    It used to be that the PwS staffers would have to update it manually, but that may be no longer the case.

    Not to heckle or anything, fo sho'. Just eager. You guys would know these processes infinitely better than I would. I've only indirectly helped put one small-time insignia mod up on the system myself.

  19. Ooh! It just came through. Love you guys long time.

  20. You can update it manually through PW6, and that may be an option if it ever gets too slow, but that also adds to another location that the mod has to be maintained. ALiVE already has to get uploaded to the website, steam, and BIF, it would be convenient to keep the amount of places to upload to a minimum.


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