Last active 9 years ago
I got questions for you (related to troubleshooting).
If you answer yes to everyone of those then your problem was the same as mine. This addon : cause problems with ALiVE when you attempt to manualy place units and sync them up.
Well in my case it's not about Civilians, more about regular soldiers (officers and other field leaders).
Tho thanks for pointing this one, could come in handy.
By looking at ALiVE's profile handler.
Haven't tested it yet, but I think this could be a way to do it.
_unit = _this select 0; _profileID = _unit getVariable "profileID"; _profile = [ALIVE_profileHandler, "getProfile", _profileID] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler; [ALIVE_profileHandler, "unregisterProfile", _profile] call ALIVE_fnc_profileHandler;
I guess I will need to do something equivalent for vehicles that are "captured" from the enemy.
Is it possible to "un-profile" a unit?
I want to be able to capture units with ACE cable-tie and that once this happens they get removed from ALiVE cycle, so that if captured units are left alone by players, they won't get virtualized.
I got a script that can deal with the "if (isCaptured) then{doStuff}" checks, but I don't know how to remove them from ALiVE's influence.
Hope you can help me with that.
Have a good day.
Found what it was, they added this :
RHS Merge (RU)
It messes the whole thing up it seems.
Will do further testing before claiming that, but if it is the sneaky problem maybe that's something to add as a note in the "supported faction" part of the wiki.
Edit : Seems it did the trick on my end.
Cancel that, blacklisting is not causing the problem. My community did something to RHS, will investigate what it is and report back if it can be of use.
Arma you sneaky B! You made me look like a fool once more :P
Well, that's the thing, here let me paste my investigation:
I tested every supported RHS factions, results on OPCOM/TACOM use: "rhs_faction_usarmy_wd", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used. "rhs_faction_usarmy_d", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used. "rhs_faction_usmc_wd", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used. "rhs_faction_usmc_d", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used. "rhs_faction_insurgents", works flawlessly, both Placement spawned and hand placed units are used. "rhs_faction_msv", Placement spawned units are used, hand placed ones are not even recognized. "rhs_faction_vdv", Placement spawned units are used, hand placed ones are not even recognized.
The problem is from my experiences centered around the Russian factions.
Funny (not so funny) thing is that if I group any units/vehicles of those factions to any perfectly working groups of any other factions, those precise groups will not be attached to the AI Commander, but will be registered and virtualized, yet never be used, even if they are the only groups on the map.
Just to update, still happening.
I also took the opportunity with the "Commanding" feature in the newest version of ALiVE to check on the OPFOR Commander.
Not unit are attached to it, even tho there is plenty of "rhs_faction_msv" groups on the map.
Seems that blacklisting groups provoke the same bug.
Is there anything that could provoke such a bug? Groups are virtualized, registered by the Profile Handler with the right faction, they have their entity number and all.
Am I still the only one experiencing this?
So, how would I go about unmapping?
I know how to map, but unmap I don't.
Note : That still doesn't explain why the US side of RHS can be messed around with in any form and the AI Commander still picks it up perfectly... Or why the AI Commander can't use those alterned AFRF groups even if they are profiled and registered by the profile handler :S
Well, I blacklisted both groups and vehicles I don't want to see.
Sorry, I wasn't clear enough, I'm trying to Blacklist vehicles and the groups that use said vehicles.
Edit: Ok, now something interesting, I made it work by copy/pasting the group names from the @ALiVE staticData.sqf in the main.pbo.
Could it be that that these are case sensitive?
That being said, what the heck is wrong with the AI Commander and RHS : AFRF?!
The moment I try to altern the russians in anyway (this blacklisting included) the AI Commander give me this (the same problem that I posted too many times about) :
There are are no groups for OPCOM faction(s) ["rhs_faction_msv"]! Please check if you chose the correct faction, and that the faction has groups defined in the ArmA 3 default categories infantry, motorized, mechanized, armored, air, sea!