

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sat May 7 20:49:16 2016

    So a nice little bump of this thread :)

    I noticed that if I put the BLUFOR_TAOR on an island and the enemy TAOR on another island the commander will not transport infantry with choppers but instead the infantry will swim (no mather the distance)
    Any way to change that behaviour? Or do I simply not put the invasion force on a different island?

  2. 9 years ago
    Fri Feb 26 18:26:30 2016
    N nibbles posted in Civilian CQB.

    It only spawns the Marshal (Man with pistol, cap and and earmuffs)

  3. Fri Feb 26 17:51:50 2016
    N nibbles started the conversation Civilian CQB.

    If I use the CQB module with CIV_F faction it only spawns the marshal (only one with a weapon?)

    Is it possible to change this in any way? So that the CQB module could be usable to get some ambiance on non-indexed maps.

  4. Fri Feb 26 17:46:31 2016
    N nibbles started the conversation SFP_Sturkö (SOLVED).

    I tried to get some civilians on SFP_Sturkö. However no civilians showed up even though I can in the debug see that there are civilian locations found and I set "Do not filter".
    Anyway since the civilians show up on stratis I assume it is a indexing issue.

    Would be nice if: SFP_Sturkö (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184401-sfp-sturk%C3%B6-island/ ) got reindexed.

  5. Fri Mar 27 19:42:08 2015
    N nibbles started the conversation There are different sides within this opcom.

    I have an issue which I assume is because "incorrect" cfgGroups config. I however can not figure out why.
    If I create an OPCOM with the following factions sfp_swe_2015_wd & rhs_faction_usarmy_wd.
    I have tried to enter it like ["rhs_faction_usarmy_wd", "sfp_swe_2015_wd"] and without the brackets and quotes aswell.
    Doing this I get the following error when I start the mission: "There are different sides within this opcom west! Please only select one side per OPCOM" the TAOR then is filled with EAST units.

    If I look in the config for the different addons it looks like it should work (i.e both have side=1):

    class sfp_swe_2015_wd
    			name="Sweden Woodland - 2015";
    			class Infantry
    				class BSWE15_InfSquad
    					name="Infantry Squad";
    					class Unit0
    class rhs_faction_usarmy_wd
    			class rhs_group_nato_usarmy_wd_infantry
    				class rhs_group_nato_usarmy_wd_infantry_squad
    					class Unit0

    Edit: I realised I actually never tried it with the SFP faction alone and doing that I get the error that there are no valid groups and the TAOR is field with EAST units.
    So I guess the problem is the SFP config.

  6. Tue Mar 24 13:35:28 2015
    N nibbles posted in Multiple RHS Factions.

    Aren't you supposed to write it like an array?


  7. Tue Mar 24 08:01:43 2015

    I assume I should sync them with the AI commander aswell?

    And this will make them fly about and attack/transport etc? Because as it stands I only see them standing at the location where I put them in the editor (But I havent done much attacking on other locations)

  8. 10 years ago
    Sun Mar 22 22:22:25 2015
    N nibbles started the conversation Best way to have enemy use planes/choppers.

    So I am trying to make an alive mission.
    The map (SMD Sahrani) is supported but it doesnt look like it contains any points that is considered suitable for aircrafts/choppers

    What would be the best way manually get the enemy AI OPCOM to use choppers/planes?
    Create a spawn script? Or just place them on the map and they will start patrolling automagially?

  9. Sun Mar 22 22:14:36 2015
    N nibbles joined the forum.