Best way to have enemy use planes/choppers

  1. 10 years ago

    So I am trying to make an alive mission.
    The map (SMD Sahrani) is supported but it doesnt look like it contains any points that is considered suitable for aircrafts/choppers

    What would be the best way manually get the enemy AI OPCOM to use choppers/planes?
    Create a spawn script? Or just place them on the map and they will start patrolling automagially?

  2. Place them on the mapped (crewed) and sync them to the Virtual AI module (check the sync setting inside the module). If there are no airports you'll have more luck using just choppers.

    You could also use a spawn script then add them to OPCOM.. check here for more info:

  3. I assume I should sync them with the AI commander aswell?

    And this will make them fly about and attack/transport etc? Because as it stands I only see them standing at the location where I put them in the editor (But I havent done much attacking on other locations)

  4. 9 years ago
    Edited 9 years ago by SpyderBlack723

    I do not think you need to sync them to the AI commander, syncing them to the Virtual AI system module should work fine. They may not be utilized by the commander at first maybe due to the commander having a surplus of units under his command in proportion to his objectives.

  5. Yep as Spyder says OPCOM can be hesitant in using them, especially if it has other forces at its disposal. It does use them however.. .I've seen it multiple times. Try creating a small mission with no infantry (only vehicles and armor), add a ton of choppers to either side, and you should see some sparks flying.

    One of the coolest things I've seen so far is alive doing hot insertion of inf reinforcements by chopper, with accompanying air support (probably a coincidence the air support was there but damn did it look great!!)

  6. Can we place a second AI commander synced to the air units only in order to get a more aggressive initial response? Any issues with multiple AI commanders synced to different things or does it not have any effect?

    Also, will they only fly to the TAOR boundary, In a test I ran, the RHS hind (once aware of enemy) took off, shot a bit then promptly flew due north and stopped at the TAOR edge, and stayed there oblivious.

  7. Could be wrong but I think placing a second Commander of the same faction could lead to a crash or error.

  8. Edited 9 years ago by Glory&Pain

    I have a working mission with 2, same faction, the 2nd one is set to command only synced units (the other is ALiVE spawns, probably why no error), which I use for the preplaced units (mainly AA threats so my jets don't have to trigger ground force spawns, but can still get shot down)

    I'm curious if I can compartmentalize my commanders to roles, and get more granular on the response. Air has a commander, ground assault has a commander, garrison forces have a commander, etc....

  9. I often use multiple Ai commanders per SIDE but mostly different factions. My question is...... How can I get a AI Commander to use an empty plane with a pilot of their faction assigned as pilot? for example I am using African Conflict mod & would like the INDIPENDENT_GOVERNATIVES to have a couple of "Bad Wolf Industries" T-6A Texan II's.

    I have tried assignaspiolit, moveindriver, moveinpiolt sync to AI command, sync to Mil Objective, Don't Sync, & pretty much everything else.

  10. I don't think that is possible at the moment.. it has to be an existing crewed aircraft.

  11. 8 years ago

    So a nice little bump of this thread :)

    I noticed that if I put the BLUFOR_TAOR on an island and the enemy TAOR on another island the commander will not transport infantry with choppers but instead the infantry will swim (no mather the distance)
    Any way to change that behaviour? Or do I simply not put the invasion force on a different island?

  12. I believe, unless things have changed, that it's not possible to have the AI transport units via helicopter using only ALiVE. You'd have to script it, which for an entire ALiVE invasion would be difficult at best to make happen (although some others may know a way). Hopefully in the future!

  13. Friznit

    9 May 2016 Administrator

    It's on the the 'list'. Technically challenging to get this right in every circumstance without adding a massive performance draining script so we're still working on a design concept.


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