

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Tue Sep 8 20:26:53 2015

    Ok, I have now uploaded the mission to Dropbox.
    Mission download
    I have minimized the mods to the bare essentials.


    Quite a simple mission based on Friznit's suggestion. Opfor insurgency in the north, Blufor in the south.

    I am not seeing IED's or suiciders (four hours at 4x acceleration in preview mode). At this point the map is crawling with insurgents.
    Also the intel is being automatically displayed on map without player actions. If fades though after a time though. (I know the debug is at this time, but the test was without debug on).

    Any input, ideas, critic and suggestions would be gladly accepted.

    (I have not prepared player base yet at all.)


  2. Mon Sep 7 18:56:20 2015

    I found one setting which might be related to the issue we are seeing, though I don't think so.

    In the IED module there is a setting called "bomber/vehicle IED side", in the wiki it is called "VB-IED Side".
    Should this setting be set to the side which is used for rebels, (which when using Leights is 'IND'), or is this only related to Vehicle carried IEDs? Ie. it should be set to civilian because this faction is spawning vehicles?

  3. Mon Sep 7 18:29:53 2015
    B beocom posted in Need an Admin for the War-room.

    The import function is using the email as a unique identifier, and also the email field is essential for your members if they forget their password to the alive war room, so it must be filled out correctly.

  4. Mon Sep 7 18:28:16 2015

    Well, I have tested British steel, and it does seem like the OpFor are placing IED's and suiciders.
    I saw one IED and one Suicider marked on map when I used 'Toggle Opfor installations.
    (I couldn't find either when I teleported there though, but that might just be me.)

    So the IED module it is definitely working in this case.

    On the other hand, I am seeing no freeroaming civilians(Only vehicles) on British Steel, which there should be when I look at the modules, so that is really strange.

    This leads me back to my previous point, which is that there must be some module interaction or configuration that we are not accounting for when setting up our missions.

  5. Mon Sep 7 08:13:30 2015

    I am starting to see positive results with my mission creation, but also I have found that generally ALiVE mission creation is quite sensitive. The modules are interacting in multiple and sometimes not obvious ways and it does take a significant testing effort to get the results you want.
    Maybe this is what you are experiencing @DaVidoSS?

    One example is this, and I hope one of you can possibly give me a step-by-step walkthrough if what I need to do.
    As I mentioned in a post above, I would really like to setup a mission where there are no AI generated intel on enemy installations that pops up on the map randomly (At this time I am getting "Installation" markers when the insurgency establishes recruitment centers and weapons depos.)
    I would like my players to manually have to get this intel using civilian interaction.

    I have tried many different configuration of the C2ISTAR module, but I always end up with one of two possible scenarios.

    1. There are no intel reports either from AI or I when use civilian "Gather intel"
    2. There are random AI reports on map called "Installation" and they also get marked when using the "Gather intel" function.

    I have not had any luck separating these two events.

    I realize that the friendly AI reports will fade over time and so might not be visible to players continuously, but still it takes something from the immersion if a group of players sees a mark and must continue gathering intel when they already know the placement of an enemy location.

    Any inputs anyone?

  6. Wed Sep 2 17:41:05 2015
    B beocom posted in Need an Admin for the War-room.

    The "User already exists" error is most likely because you are using the same value for the email field of all your members in the squad.xml.

    I had the same issue.

  7. Tue Sep 1 20:29:05 2015

    Spyder, having a look at a functioning mission would be very helpful.

    Also, I have been testing the "gather intel" function when talking to civilians, and no matter how many times I ask, I never get any pointers on the map even though there are quite a few recruitment centers and weapons depots scattered about the map.

    Do you know if there is an element of chance involved or what the trigger is for getting an intel marker on the map?

    I would prefer not to rely on the C2ISTAR random map intel, as the "gather intel" provides a great immersion element to the game by having to search for intel..

  8. Tue Sep 1 19:23:55 2015

    Actually Spyder, one more question.

    When you say IED's and suiciders are working, is that with the IED module sync'ed to Asymmetric AI Commander, or as a standalone?

  9. Tue Sep 1 18:53:25 2015

    Thanks for confirming Spyder..

    Well then, onwards! :)

  10. Tue Sep 1 17:42:14 2015

    Was this using stock Civ or a custom faction Spyder?

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