
Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Wed Jul 27 22:42:51 2016
    S SOAR_Griz started the conversation War Room Issues.

    Hello all. I'm having a weird issue with the War Room that hopefully you guys can fix fairly quick.

    When I connect with my Player ID it says I'm apart of a group I'm not longer with [PG]. So while trying to change it I left the group I created SOARgaming with the tag [SOAR]. I have no way to re join this group, or remove where it says I'm apart of PG.

    1.) Can I be readded to the SOARgaming group as officer (Currently no one is in it) as seen here

    2.) How can I change it so my player ID isn't connected to PG anymore, but says SOAR?

    Thanks guys!

  2. Mon Apr 25 22:31:56 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (again).

    Approaching 2 hours up time. Turning off HC does seem to allow stability!

    Edit: This was with 7 people on the server.

    I will attempt to get 15+ between Monday and Wednesday and report back.

  3. Mon Apr 25 20:44:09 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (again).

    Getting 4 or 5 people on the server now. Will report back.

  4. Mon Apr 25 18:47:18 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (again).

    We have had members with the 1.58 FPS bug. And I believe they were able to fix it with changing their malloc setting in their launch parameters.

    This is completely different (unfortunately). We had this issue after Arma updated to 1.56, and now that its been updated to 1.58 we are experiencing Déjà vu. We are hoping since this has already happened the ALiVE dev team will know where to start looking and we won't have to start from square one all over again.

  5. Mon Apr 25 16:34:34 2016
    S SOAR_Griz started the conversation Server freezes (again).

    Hello all, the SOAR team is back! Unfortunately we have been hit by the exact same issue we had with the previous Server Freezing Thread. I will list all the detailed information we have and then leave RPT files at the bottom!

    What we know

    1.) This is the exact same style of freezing we saw in the thread I linked above. The more players on the server, the faster it freezes. No crash files are generated, the server just freezes. Everything is the same as the first time on our end.

    2.) Removing ALiVE fixes all the freezing, same as last time.

    3.) Arma version 1.56 missions made with the previous versions of ALiVE worked with 1.58 update until we made new missions on version 1.58.

    4.) We had been using the ALiVE version that was compatible with 1.56 on 1.58 with no troubles until we had our first crash. At which point we made 25 people update ALiVE to the 1.58 compatible version, at which point it froze again.

    After reading through the last server freeze thread again, I'm wondering if BI changed functions that ALiVE depended on, which seemed to be an issue last time w/ HC. (We do use HC whenever possible!)

    Three RPTs of ALiVE crashing from 4/24/2016

    RPT #1

    RPT #2

    RPT #3

  6. 9 years ago
    Tue Mar 15 06:09:42 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    As Jooce said, SOAR has tested this update twice. We ran a 50 min initial test run, everything went smooth. We then learned that since the Eden update came out, Eden missions and headless client don't work well together. So I created a 2D mission and got HC and Alive working. That mission has now been up for 3 hours with no issues. We will be adding it into our groups mod pack and doing large scale testing this weekend. Thanks Alive team!

  7. Thu Mar 3 04:45:44 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    Awesome to hear, keep up the good work. Hopefully the chase is narrowing down now! Best of luck.

  8. Mon Feb 29 17:34:50 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    Maybe it would be wise for the ALiVE team to start up a thread on the BI forums so we can all post our crash logs in one place. Though I don't think Bohemia is going to really offer to help fix anything that is not part of the vanilla game.

  9. Fri Feb 19 21:43:12 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    SOAR tested ALiVE/ACE/CBA/RHS/Leights last night with 1.56. We had CQB module placed down independent of another module. Along with the required 4 ALiVE modules, 1 opcommander module, and 1 civ objective module, as well as civilian placement/population modules. Pretty much a full mission.

  10. Tue Feb 16 18:10:21 2016
    S SOAR_Griz posted in Server freezes (Fixed!).

    Is there anything we can do to help at this time? The only thing we cannot do is roll back our Arma version, or go to development builds. (Getting 40+ members to do that just so we can get ALiVE to work is not an option.)

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