Last active 7 years ago
I had the same issue when just syncing the zeus-module to my player character, but after putting in the variable name of my player in the game-master field in the module, it works without issues.
This is a bit of an old topic, but does anyone have any recent good experience with N'ziwasogo in particular?
I've been thinking about using it for my unit's next campaign, but I remember the rather horrific loading times last time we tried it, although this could have been before the above mentioned reindexation.
It is possible this is more related to config structures then Alive, but it is a result of the Orbat tool.
I have been creating one blufor and one opfor faction in the Orbat tool and made them into two separate PBO-files. They work fine on their own, but having both in the modset causes the alphabetically lower one to not exist in-game. I have tried to make a single Hpp-file with both faction configs in it, but this as well only causes the one put in first to exist or cause fatal errors when starting the game.
It should be noted this is my first serious dive into Arma 3 configs, so it could be that I am missing something obvious, but after messing around with this for the better part of the day and looking around for solutions, I will just see if anyone here has suggestions.
Edit: After further reading of the general Orbat-thread, I located the same issue and found the response to it, it was related to the mods still technically being named @testmod, so after renaming and repacking it is now working as intended.
My plan was to build a Finnish civil war setup with the red and white guard as two separate factions, this is my red guard faction. I used an iron front soviet soldier as the first template, made him into a unit called "unarmed" that I used as a template for the rest of the infantry units. I might have been going in over my head though.
While I have not used project opfor for well over a year, I specifically remember them being good to use with alive as they stand, but perhaps things have changed.
When I attempt to turn my exported faction from the ORBAT tool into a pbo file, I get the following error in Arma's addon builder:
"Build Failed. Result code=1
CfgConvert task failed.
File (...) \addons\test\autogen.hpp, line 1414: /CfgVehicles/O_FINRG_Unarmed_01.EventHandlers: Undefined base class Eventhandlers
Config: some input after EndOfFile.
Error reading config file (...) \addons\test\config.cpp
Class destroyed with lock count 1"
I have tried to search the forums and check the wiki, but to no avail. This is my second attempt at using the ORBAT tool and despite using the same approach for both, even if this time it was far more extensive, I had no issues with the first one.
I appreciate any sort of help with sorting out this issue, thanks.
I have used used pretty much all radios apart from that one, with the exception of testing the black version, But I'll have a look when the opportunity arises.
I pretty much always use the TFAR backpack radios for the combat support module and never really had any issues with the them, but after testing it out, it does seem that your specific one does not work, while most of the others I have used throughout the times does. Strange if it worked previously though.
I was certain I did, but turns out I did not. So nevermind, I'll just get that, thanks. :)
I have been laying low on the arma front for a while, but it seems that the Gendarmerie faction is no longer working with alive, even if it seemingly did previously. I have tried several solutions, but without any luck. Does anyone else have this issue, is the question.
After reluctantly going in the 3D editor, it is working without issues, thanks for the advice. :)