Last active 7 years ago
@Friznit Just built a new mission from scratch in 3DEN on Tanoa with all modules - no errors showing.
I guess I have to, I just don't like getting used to new things. :)
@Friznit Delete and replace the module. A new parameter has been added to restrict air resupply to faction classes only (so if a faction has no helicopters, they won't be used for resupply runs - no more helis in WW2)
I would if I could, but my only option is to hit cancel on both old and new ones as hitting ok simply tells me that "A different type of some parameters is required" and it takes me back into the module screen.
I went into the 2D editor (Ctrl+O in the map selection screen if you are not aware) Could be related since I guess it's not officially supported anymore.
I loaded up my old module setup mission, just consisting of modules from the previous version, to run comparisons and placed down the following modules: Alive (required), Player options, Virtual AI system, Ambient dynamic weather, military AI skill, the two civilian ones, Military commander and then the logistics one which is where it stopped.
As I was rebuilding my set of modules after downloading the latest update, I was unable to place down the military logistics module as it says "A different type of some parameters is required" when I click ok and then it highlights the "Air transport Assets" with an exclamation mark. I have tried changing this specific parameter and the others, but it keeps insisting that I need change this parameter, regardless of what I do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.
After trying with my previous civilian truck setup, I can confirm that this is no longer working.
I have used civilian trucks for the transport combat support in the past without any issues, if you just paste in the name of the civilian helicopter in the module it should work, atleast in my experience.
I believe he refers to the cold-war based mod by that name.
Since the factions are stated in the wiki, as SUD_NATO and SUD_USSR it should work unless there has been recent changes that ruined that aspect. It works as with setting up any other alive missions, if you are completely new to it, I would suggest looking up some tutorials for setting up alive and then just use the previously mentioned faction-names and it should work out.
Good to see, keep up the great work. :)
Hmm, It would appear one needs to sign in with specific credentials to download it from that site.
Alright, thanks for the information.