Last active 7 years ago
The opfor modules are grouped, not synced. Change that and you'll load fine :)
I believe it creates a trigger and multiplies your height by your speed, and compares that to your distance from it. So if you move slowly, and as you get nearer crouch and then crawl the last bit, it shouldn't go off. Also, and this is a guess, but there may be a chance of exploding when disarming, if you're not a demo expert.
Hi Krazo, it should never take 15 minutes to complete, I have a mission with 3000 ALiVE placed AI, about 300 editor placed units and objects, around 30 scripts running and pretty much all of the ALiVE modules placed; all of that takes around 2 minutes to load. :/ Anyway, the majority of loading time is caused by module initialisation, so it's almost certainly that. Are you using mission persistence?
As for your idea, yup, very possible. Place a TAOR marker over each corner you want a faction in, and the main part simply blacklist all of the corner TAOR markers :) But like Rath said, getting civilians to fight isn't too easy.
The unit's created via script, so it doesn't exist when the module initialises, which is the issue. I think it'd have to be something ALiVE adds into their framework tbh :/ Still, I've found a workaround by placing the unit in the editor hidden and moving him there, which works for now but not ideal if I wanted to sync large amounts of units to the profiling system..!
Confirmed, definitely not showing any map intel since 0.9.4
execVM "radio.sqf";
while {true} do
(0 fadeMusic 0.2);
sleep random 300;
[["RadioAmbient2", "RadioAmbient3", "RadioAmbient4", "RadioAmbient5", "RadioAmbient6", "RadioAmbient7", "RadioAmbient8", "RadioAmbient9", "RadioAmbient10", "RadioAmbient11", "RadioAmbient12", "RadioAmbient13", "RadioAmbient14", "RadioAmbient15", "RadioAmbient16", "RadioAmbient17", "RadioAmbient18", "RadioAmbient19", "RadioAmbient20", "RadioAmbient21", "RadioAmbient22", "RadioAmbient23", "RadioAmbient24", "RadioAmbient25", "RadioAmbient26", "RadioAmbient27", "RadioAmbient28", "RadioAmbient29", "RadioAmbient30"], 300] spawn BIS_fnc_music;
Title says it all really :P I have it set to All units except synced, so if I create a unit on the fly then it gets profiled, but for this particular unit I don't want him to. So I guess it's how to de-profile...
Thanks in advance guys :)
Mission's had a pretty major update, and it does now work with A3MP, so I'd love for some of you guys to check it out :)
1. If you choose random weighting, then it chooses a pretty even selection of units, tactically designed for combined ops. And you don't have to set all of the overrides, for example if you set Armoured to 0 and left the rest blank, it would choose from all but armoured. :)
2. Are they all spawning in a really close area? If they're well spread out then they get profiled and after the first minute or so of the mission there won't actually be many units around you. And system specs?
Okay, I look forward to it :)