

Last active 7 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Thu Jan 21 07:17:09 2016

    So I'm looking into possibly doing a long term AliVe single player mission. However, if possible I would like to do this strictly in a offline format. So exactly how much juice would I need to make it possible to save?

  2. Sat Jan 2 21:48:16 2016
    S silentghoust posted in Off-map / in-air CAS.

    You can use the vanilla CAS modules to create simulated airstrikes. Meaning the aircraft will simply spawn fly in and do it's job and leave. You will have to add some scripting to create a more delay if you wish.

    The only other way I can think of to do this in AliVe. Is you can place CAS choppers outside of the map. Possibly even fixed winged if you find a open enough flat area that isn't to far out of the boundary.

  3. Sat Jan 2 21:34:11 2016

    You have quiet a few options. One would be turning your conventional force to light infantry, then after a certain amount of time. You could spawn in profiled armor or air groups, which OPCOM will then take over after a certain time.

  4. Mon Dec 28 02:21:57 2015

    I would recommend avoiding helicopter transport support as well. I found that playing Alive missions strictly with ground transport paces the players with how fast Alive moves events. I also found you often will plan far better(and survive more) since you tend to plan your routes and calculate risk in approach.

  5. Fri Dec 25 05:46:09 2015
    S silentghoust posted in Insurgency only as Players.

    @SpyderBlack723 The ingame function viewer has all you need, well organized.

    Was more hoping for some sort of wiki similar to how the BI wiki is which explains functions and gives examples. :P

  6. Fri Dec 25 03:58:33 2015
    S silentghoust posted in Insurgency only as Players.

    Just out of curiosity is their any spot the Dev team publishes the functions for AliVE? I'm sure some one could write up a script that calls the locations of various sites and lets you order AI there.

    My idea would to create a system that has some sort of notoriety meter. Were to much fighting in one area, or some random factor causes the location of a site to be revealed. It then can either spawn some sort of special ops force, or order nearby profiles to attack it.

  7. Tue Dec 22 02:47:54 2015
    S silentghoust posted in New Mission Attempt.

    @SpyderBlack723 Commanders will use profiled units of any of the factions that they control. So if a profile is BLU_F and a commander controls BLU_F, the commander will automatically use that profile.

    But how does that effect a unit you placed on the map and synced to the module with a pre-defined way-points(patrol path)? Will the commander eventually just override your defined path, and order that unit elsewhere?

    @eeriestwalnut55] As far as the cycles of the AI commander, the pace does not have to be fast, I just want to make sure that the AI commander will actually defend it so that players can continue to move forward. I will reread the wiki on occupation vs invasion to make sure I am going about this right.

    Depends on the conditions of the commanders total forces. In normal conditions(no major setbacks, decent priority objective, spare units). Then yes, they will send in defensive units with occupation behavior being the best at this. However, it might take awhile so I usually hang out and fight off any counter-offensive. The time it takes depends on distance, if you guys blitz through 3-5 cities it might take a really long time.

  8. Tue Dec 22 02:02:36 2015
    S silentghoust posted in New Mission Attempt.

    I won't go into to much about the behaviors of Occupation vs Invasion because I feel it's covered well enough on the Alive wiki. However, I'll explain a bit about how the Commander AI goes about dealing with objectives as far as I understand it. Also, on the wiki, you can see how to put modules to sleep when the server is empty.

    The commanders go in cycles, were they do their analysis, order groups, and determine status of objectives. A secured objective for example, can be cleared of enemies but won't be secured tell a cycle hits and certain conditions are met. This pace isn't exactly fast, and depending on the amount of casualties, it can take even longer to build up a new force to go on the offensive again.

    As for the AI commander taking over spawn units. Aside from making sure they get profiled, I haven't experimented with how command takes over spawned profiled units. Although I personally would like to know.

  9. Thu Dec 17 01:47:47 2015
    S silentghoust posted in Napalm script..

    Just use the vanilla support modules. They allow you to call a bomb run specifically. Which according to the the napalm script. Will trigger when the bomb explodes.

  10. Sun Dec 13 05:38:39 2015

    @amoksepp I have a taor with 200 units (BLUFOR, motorised) and a taor with 500 (OPFOR, armored), both of them are in occupation status. The OPFOR ai commander is linked to the BLUFOR Military placement (am i right that the main target for both are to hold their own placements because they are set on occupation? english is not my native language, so i have some understanding problems)

    They will still attempt to take each other objectives. The only difference is that they are more conservative about it. They will still assemble 4 groups to attack, but will wait to fill it's defensive reserves.

    @amoksepp Edit: when i config the military placement module should create a armored 200 unit army, does this mean that it let spawn 200 soldiers + cars/tanks, or does every unit have a specific value, like a tank is worth 20 units so it could spawn 10 tanks or 5 tanks and 100 soldiers?

    I believe it is based on profiles. Meaning 200 tanks with crew can equal 200 individual soldiers.

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