

Last active 9 years ago

  1. 9 years ago
    Sat Feb 6 16:27:27 2016
    V Vibrator posted in Rank pacifism!.

    Right, so i'm using it properly then.

    Might just have to resign to using the LV script pack in place of an enemy opcom..

  2. Fri Feb 5 22:59:10 2016
    V Vibrator posted in Rank pacifism!.

    Blufor base at Camp Maxwell is a military placement synched to an opcom set to Occupy mode, with a logistics module also synched to the opcom, and a CQB module synched to the military placement.

    Blufor TAO is an elipse marker covering the base, called Blufor_1, with no blacklist marker

    Opfor TAO is the rest of the island, with Blufor_1 as the blacklist marker.

    Opfor is identical to Blufor but double the size (a platoon vs a company), and its opcom is also synched to the Blufor military placement, and set to invasion mode.

    That's the basic structure, which i've copied from tutorials. I've also tried adding an Opfor civilian objectives module (synched to Opfor opcom), multiple (dozens) of Blufor custom objectives in the center of Blufor_1 and synched to Opfor opcom...

    The most action i've seen has been from adding the LV ambient combat script pack, which i was relying on prior to ALiVE, and which i was hoping i could now retire... but with just ALiVE on its own, no matter how far i tilt the numbers in Opfor's favour, i just see small perimeter skirmishes - usually instigated by the Blufor troops patrolling out past their TAO. If an Opfor group does attack, it'll be an isolated suicide squad, while the rest of the Opcom forces sit it out.. or go for a paddle, apparently.

    Have i misunderstood blacklist markers or something? I'm under the impression they just prevent enemy from spawning on top of each other, demarking opposing TAOs - but without precluding any objectives inside the blacklist zone (since where else would prime objectives be?).. but if i've inadvertently blacklisted Opfor's only objectives then that would explain it why it's like a school disco..?

  3. Fri Feb 5 21:04:29 2016
    V Vibrator started the conversation Rank pacifism!.

    Been persevering with ALiVE for a couple of months now and have been unable to get AI commanders to do anything, at all, really.

    I wanted to set up a lightly-defended Blufor base (Camp Maxwell on Stratis), to be attacked by a surrounding superior Opfor force. Something like that big final battle scene in the movie Platoon - a night time CQB onslaught, with wave after wave of fearless frontal assaults and only the constant supply of paratrooper reinforcements preventing the base being completely overrun.

    But no matter what i try, the enemy will not attack - they spawn at a decent perimeter, but then just stay there, never trying to attack, let alone coordinate an assault. Instead, the Blufor troops just fan out and wander off looking for targets... there'll be a few small skirmishes but things quickly settle down into a perfectly amicable truce... each side holding their ground unchallenged.

    The only 'game' i can thus make out of it is to wander off myself and go and pick off these pockets of deserters, which is mostly like shooting fish in a barrel.. a pretty far cry from the expected results.

    I've even tried the trick where you place a whole bunch of custom objectives inside the base, synched to the enemy OPCOM... which appears to have absolutely no effect on the problem whatsoever.

    In the last few days i've resorted to using scripts to show all units on the map, just to find out what could be so much more important than the only Blufor objectives on the map - and have found that some of the Opfor units are actually swimming out to sea, in the opposite direction to their supposed objectives! Fully kitted out infantry are just going for a nice dip, rather than advance on the nearby enemy!

    If i run vanilla Arma (without ALiVE) i can set up a surrounding force to attack a base by following waypoints to it - so is there some way of just causing spawned enemies to converge on a target location using ALiVE? All i want them to do is spawn say 1.5km away and make their way to the target and attack it - if they can coordinate their attack then great, but if not then just all attack it at once anyway.

    I want this base to be attacked, savagely and relentlessly, not have them just wander off looking for a fight... How do i make the enemy "bring it"?

  4. Fri Feb 5 20:30:30 2016
    V Vibrator posted in Multispawn not working..

    Cheers for the advice.

    I've found i actually prefer the chopper insertion respawn to saving anyway, so now routinely run my missions as single-player LAN games just for that benefit..

    Another drawback of saving and reloading seems to be that certain scripts can fail (prob an Arma thing), so relying on respawn instead keeps the background sim ticking over steadily..

  5. Fri Feb 5 20:26:17 2016

    Been having the same issue - having to go without air units, or any vehicle placements at all. They explode on spawning at Camp Maxwell as well as the airport..

  6. Sun Jan 24 19:48:16 2016
    V Vibrator posted in Multispawn not working..

    Sorry to bump this old thread, spent hours on this problem this evening and still can't get it to work..

    I've found that if i export the mission to the multiplayer missions folder, i can access it as a LAN game, and Multispawn then works... but this is kludgy workaround for a single player mission.

    The ALiVE docs say that the Multispawn module is supposed to replace the savegame function, which causes a crash when using ALiVE... but it seems singularly incapable of fulfilling this requirement.

    Am i really likely to suffer crashes if i just enable savegames? I have 12gb ram.. Having to host a LAN game just to get Multispawn working seems horribly awkward..

    Never had to use respawn before, but honestly expected that i could just place the module and it would automate the process (which seemed the whole point of a dedicated module in the first place).

    Additionally the ALiVE wiki says nothing about having to save the mission to the multiplayer folder... yet the provided instructions just will not work in singleplayer - no matter what respawn markers i try, i briefly see the "respawning" message when dying, but then it just goes to the restart / exit options..

  7. Sun Jan 10 13:35:36 2016
    V Vibrator posted in Air unit placement is all wrong.

    Just started with ALiVE yesterday, fantastic mod, this is the only way i've played since the OFP days, but was previously using basic spawn scripts... this is SO much better..!

    But i'm having the same problem mentioned above..

    I began with the tutorial mission, and set up a base to defend at Camp Maxwell on Stratis. On mission start, a helicopter spawns onto rocks on the SE side of the base, exploding. Sometimes two at a time. Other times, just a paratrooper spawns, harmlessly.

    Unable to use the mission three out of five times, i tried moving the base to the main airport instead, but now the choppers spawn inches from the control tower and each mission again starts with a bang..

    Only other mods running are CBA and Mao's sway fix.

  8. Sun Jan 10 13:15:51 2016
    V Vibrator joined the forum.