

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Sun Mar 27 07:07:52 2016
    S Spooby posted in Alive Issues.

    just found a temporary fix. By running this script I was able to stop all animal spawns including fish.

    true spawn {

    waitUntil {

    {deleteVehicle agent _x;} forEach agents;

    sleep 0.01; false;



  2. Sun Mar 27 06:01:28 2016
    S Spooby posted in Alive Issues.


    Running Arma 3 version 1.56.134787 on Windows.

  3. Sat Mar 26 20:40:12 2016
    S Spooby posted in Alive Issues.

    after extensively testing every mod I have found that ALiVE IS causing the strange fish spawning.

    The following were taken just using the latest version of CBA and ALiVE.


    Note that if I disable ALiVE the issue goes away...

    And I have tried the disable environment command and it ends in an error every time.

  4. 9 years ago
    Tue Mar 22 08:13:00 2016
    S Spooby started the conversation Alive Issues.

    Hi everyone, just a couple of issues I have run into with ALiVE.

    1. No ALiVE support for Icebreakers new map Isla Abramia for A3

    2. Getting a strange issue with animal spawns and ALiVE. Is their a way to disable animal spawns? Because ALiVE goes crazy spawning fish and rabbits and it tanks server performance...

  5. Tue Mar 22 08:08:31 2016
    S Spooby joined the forum.