Churlish Church


Last active 5 years ago

  1. 5 years ago
    Thu Jul 4 21:37:12 2019
    Churlish Church posted in AI Mods.

    So what are people with rhs mods looking at for load times after save

  2. Thu Jul 4 21:33:40 2019
    Churlish Church posted in ALIVE and Headless Clients.

    Do you need acex? I thought alive already managed hcs

  3. Fri Jun 28 15:47:43 2019
    Churlish Church posted in AI Mods.

    Hopefully my bugs I had months ago fixed themselves

  4. Thu Jun 13 21:54:17 2019
    Churlish Church started the conversation AI Mods.

    So I was reading that Vcom causes long save times and even longer load times.
    So what does everyone run instead?

  5. 6 years ago
    Sat Oct 20 12:29:43 2018
    Churlish Church posted in AI keep spawning.

    Persistence is enabled. I have placed blufor units and they are still in the same place.
    Its saving to the cloud

  6. Fri Oct 19 12:06:22 2018
    Churlish Church posted in AI keep spawning.

    Yea. Even though we save it

  7. Fri Oct 19 00:56:31 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation AI keep spawning.

    My group cleared out a city and we called reinforcements but now when I came back there are enemy ai there again. Any idea what I did wrong?

  8. Mon Oct 15 04:13:43 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation Star Wars Opposition.

    Does anyone know if its supported?

  9. Tue Oct 9 02:09:40 2018
    Churlish Church started the conversation Force Size.

    Is the force size for the whole area that I have it over or just for each objective? IE if I have the OPFOR area over the whole map does that mean it will then spread that company over the entirety of the map or just each objective.

  10. Mon Oct 8 22:59:08 2018
    Churlish Church posted in Alive Time Progession.

    Im not looking for real time Im looking for like 20 minute nights

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