Last active 5 years ago
So what are people with rhs mods looking at for load times after save
Do you need acex? I thought alive already managed hcs
Hopefully my bugs I had months ago fixed themselves
So I was reading that Vcom causes long save times and even longer load times.
So what does everyone run instead?
Persistence is enabled. I have placed blufor units and they are still in the same place.
Its saving to the cloud
My group cleared out a city and we called reinforcements but now when I came back there are enemy ai there again. Any idea what I did wrong?
Does anyone know if its supported?
Is the force size for the whole area that I have it over or just for each objective? IE if I have the OPFOR area over the whole map does that mean it will then spread that company over the entirety of the map or just each objective.
Im not looking for real time Im looking for like 20 minute nights