the M


Last active 7 years ago

  1. 7 years ago
    Fri Jan 12 20:55:43 2018
    T the M posted in Logistics reinforcements .

    I know
    If the answer to my problem was in the Wiki i would't ask here

  2. Fri Jan 12 16:29:45 2018
    T the M posted in Logistics reinforcements .

    The problem is that no matter what i do they spawn no where near the objective, or the module doesn`t work at all.

  3. Thu Jan 11 14:22:22 2018
    T the M started the conversation Logistics reinforcements .

    I use a faction that does not have any helicopters. So the reinforcements arive by convoy on the ground. But they allways appear at the same spot.
    I can't change the location where they spawn

  4. Tue Oct 24 09:48:39 2017
    T the M started the conversation Persistence creates two vehicles.

    Whenever I save my mission, and then load it, all vehicles I entered are where I entered them, and where left them at the end of the session.
    The Vehicles are spawned by modules like the random empty ones Alive modules can place.

  5. Tue Oct 24 09:44:09 2017
    T the M joined the forum.