

Last active 8 years ago

  1. 8 years ago
    Wed Apr 27 11:52:58 2016
    P psvialli started the conversation % chance AI drop Item (feature in DEV and solved).


    Is there a way I can add a EH to all AI , as I need a % chance they drop certain Items on the floor when killed.


  2. 10 years ago
    Wed Jan 28 20:32:53 2015
    P psvialli posted in Server Crash on mission start.

    Hmm OK can anyone please confirm it if Only works with IP ? as I tried Alexhall.dyndns.org but no Joy

    But IP does work but as it is not static that will be no good :(

  3. Wed Jan 28 13:07:37 2015
    P psvialli posted in Server Crash on mission start.

    OK got it working - just done a reinstall seems to connect now - strange :)

  4. Wed Jan 28 11:58:17 2015
    P psvialli posted in Server Crash on mission start.

    OK think i found the Issue we do not have a Static IP on this box we are using a3.1para.se or alexkall.dyndns.org

    Does it have to be a static IP ?

  5. Mon Jan 26 20:08:00 2015
    P psvialli started the conversation Server Crash on mission start.

    Not sure why just trying to set up our server for Alive but as soon as i try and start the mission the server crashes ?

    Only running @alive,@aliveServer @Cba on this server - tested with vanilla mission all worked fine - but as soon as i start the demo Alive mission it crashes.......

      Arma2Net.Unmanaged (C:\Steamcmd\arma3_3\@AliveServer\Arma2Net.Unmanaged.dll)
    Distribution: 0
    Version 1.38.128937
    Fault time: 2015/01/26 16:42:04
    Fault address:  75694B32 01:00013B32 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll
    file:     ALiVE_Air_Assault
    world:    Altis
    Prev. code bytes: 20 83 64 24 10 00 8D 04 24 50 FF 15 80 83 71 75
    Fault code bytes: 8B 4C 24 54 33 CC E8 07 72 FF FF 8B E5 5D C2 10
  6. Mon Jan 26 20:04:05 2015
    P psvialli joined the forum.